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I'm only going to respond to your comments once cause you seem to turn alittle rude in your replies.
Its a level of respect. If you want to put a pic of a nice looking woman to sale something fine but really don't need to see butt cheeks and breast uncovered all but the nipple. You say you never ran into a group of guys who care that much... I say I have a high level of respect to any guy who speaks up about this issue against it. It show that they don't need to conform to a guy stereo type and they don't care what other men think of them for it.
There is a place for that kinda of stuff and on a home automation page its not. I mean if I put that kinda of stuff on my company website to sale industrial automation it wouldn't fly. I bet it would have to be taken down cause the woman at the company would find it harassment and there are laws about that.
Hang one of those pics in the office where you work and see how long they last
if your married ask your wife if she would be upset at a site that stoops that low to sale things to you.
I don't go there no more cause I think its disrespectful to woman and to my wife. I also find it disrespectful to me that they think I'm that immature that I would buy more stuff cause I seen a butt.