Well, i'm still playing around with PCC but i can vouch that it is a blast!

I haven't even touched all of the features yet, but the ones that i have work very well.
First of all the talking weather feature is outstanding! And with the weather triggers i can have PCC tell me whether or not to turn the heat lamps on in the well house or turn the house fans on!

This is the cream of the crop: The VCR Commander Plugin! I got this thing working pretty much 100%! Still got a little tweaking to do, but for the most part its good to go.

Through my trial and error (mostly my error) i have this beauty turning my tv, vcr/dvd combo, and satellite on! Tuicemen outdid himself on this one!

Update: I now have BVC telling PCC to turn on those theater devices! WAF went through the roof! (i still have to hide the wires though, until i get a powermid).

By the way, you can use more than one vcr commander to do different actions. I have 2 working; one for the tv, the other for the vcr/dvd combo and satellite.
The only code that wasn't in PCC was my Aiwa Receiver, but what the heck, i just leave it on. Since were either watching tv or listening to music.
i do have one more vcr commander that i'm going to play with envolving a video switch box, but that comes later!
One note for users out there with another transceiver besides the cm15a. (v572a, etc...) you have to configure it to not tranceive the codes your going to use with the vcr commander. What happens is, when you transmit the codes to the vcr cdr the other transceiver will transmit again. Thus turning everything off in my case!
I normally don't even use transceived codes on my cm15a and let the v572 do the work. But like i said you have to disable the codes for vcr cdr. (as far as i know, this is just how i got it to work for me) sorry if this is not the case.
The camera part i'm still working on, but i do have all of my cameras showing in the CAM Plugin!
The Reminders! I now setup all my reminders for the day in one paragraph and have BVC tell PCC to read me what i have to do today! With both PCC and BVC THE WORLD IS OURS!!!

sorry, just got carried away.
I guess what i'm saying is if you haven't got the full version of PCC and BVC then you my friend are missing out!! Where else can you have weather, cameras, triggers, sound, music, remote control, voice control, reminders, all the phone utilities (i haven't got to play with this yet) security plugin, having someone talk back to you, play your dvd's, control just about everything that AHP doesn't!
Thank you very much for an excellent program Tuicemen!

And I didn't forget you Bill!

What can i say? With Bill's help I have Christina (BVC) tell me where all my movies are!
I have over a thousand movies and Bill helped my get then imported in. Now i ask Christina where is Tombstone? she replies: Tombstone in number 521 in movie cabinet 1! Ain't that something?

Well, i've said enough. I didn't want to right a book, but it looks like i did! I'm sorry, just excited!

Do yourself a favor and get these two programs and make AHP complete!