Ok my final exams just ended...*phew*...and my summer break begins tomorrow....*yay*....so now i will dedicate my time to the completion of this product. As i said, i am planing on making a profit from this, since i need a summer job, so i will make this device as professional as i can. Also, i found a really sweet idea for my casing, i am making it "tron style"...i will post a picture.
Anyway, i am going to try to make the following features:
-control of 256 devices
-bright/dim/on/off/device status....( so an example..i plan on making u send a text ....in the format.... kitchen lights on) etc....
-send u a response text message with your device's status
-a gui for the device that allows u to change names of your devices (you connect it to ur pc...run the software...and change the names ....simple)
-of course...text message control
-control via a dedicated twitter
-a super sexy case
case picture....example...idea...thingy:
(by the way...the case is actually glowing...) sweeet eh? i might change the color of the lighting when i make it
im gonna keep u guys updated if you are intrested...
forget the fancy case idea..it will just raise the price and electricity draw...its useless.....if you really like it...heres instructions on how to make your own http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-TRON-Style-Lamp-The-MADYLIGHT/