Update (sorry in advance for the length). Over the past few weeks I've come to the realization that I have to scale back my X-10 projects unless I want to pick up X-10 as a new hobby ... it's interesting and all, but I already have too many hobbies. So here is my new plan:
Outside down lights. I purchased seven 16W CFLs and they are working great. After 3 days the new XPS3 seems to be working fine. I'm running manual timers right now because I cannot change my time zone in AHP without crashing it (Dan suggests a reinstall, which I hope to attempt this week) ... the CM15A failed to turn the lights on last night, but has otherwise worked correctly ... if it fails again, I will turn on the repeat feature. Once I am able to run the dusk-dawn timer on the CM15A, I will use that feature instead of messing with the ActiveEye dusk-dawn feature (which was my original plan).
Living room lights. I installed a WS12A and two WS14A switches to control the 4 can lights in the living room. I cannot control them with my CM15A, which I presume to be a phase issue (although it doesn't with my oven on either), but I mostly bought them because it was cheaper than other dimmable 4-way switches ... the switch operation is somewhat counterintuitive, but we're used to it now.
Entrance lights. I've scaled back from 7 entrances to 3, but I'm not sure I'll even be able to pull that off. All I want is for the motion sensor to turn on the light when it sees motion and then turn it off afterwards. In my initial setup (front door), my ActiveEye sends the correct signals, and my CM15A turns on the light (WS467), but will not turn it off (although it is indeed sending the command) ... in fact, I cannot turn off the WS467 remotely at all and can only turn it off at the switch. I've also tried it set to 2-way appliance module with no results.
My projects are uber-basic ... most of the projects you guys do are orders of magnitude more complicated than this ... and so I hope you can see why I don't understand how a company can sell products like this for so many years and yet they still don't work, even in simple situations like mine ... so I'm certainly not going to be looking at any of their higher end products (e.g., TV remote, cameras, etc.)
Anyway, rather than toss in the towel just yet, I ordered an RR501 to see if it will allow me to control my living room lights ... and I'm considering the coupler/repeater/amplifier just to see if it might help me punch through whatever's causing my WS467 to go deaf ... but I'm not sure how much more patience I'll have with it before I revert to wired controls (I have a ranch-style house with unfinished basement, but I thought this stuff would be much cooler).
Thanks so much for all you guys who post in this forum ... I know I've been a newbie pain in the butt, but without you I would have sent back my whole shipment after two days ... I've been clicking "helpful" when I can ... and please keep posting that great info for those other guys out there who have more patience and persistence than me