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Author Topic: what band should i use??plz help me out  (Read 3920 times)


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what band should i use??plz help me out
« on: December 06, 2009, 10:27:56 PM »

hi everyone.
i am working on a home automation system development as my final year project. i basically work in narrow band power line communication but i could not find good information about which band will work best for me??
can any one help me to choose the proper narrow band?????
any help will be highly appreciated.

Brian H

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« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 06:17:17 AM by Brian H »

HA Dave

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Re: what band should i use??plz help me out
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2009, 07:20:18 AM »

i am working on a home automation system development as my final year project.

The universities and colleges are full of these "smart grid" research paper studies. 

They are basically saying to you and me (and the people that use this forum)... that we (the general public) are too dumb to use energy resources well enough (to be trusted). And the PLC (or some version of) automation technology needs to/or should be used to control our appliances like AC, heat, and hot water. So the smarter people can control these things for us.

I don't care if I am the only person here insulted by these requests. But I find these student requests insulting.

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dave w

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Re: what band should i use??plz help me out
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2009, 12:01:58 PM »

i am working on a home automation system development as my final year project.

The universities and colleges are full of these "smart grid" research paper studies. 

They are basically saying to you and me (and the people that use this forum)... that we (the general public) are too dumb to use energy resources well enough (to be trusted). And the PLC (or some version of) automation technology needs to/or should be used to control our appliances like AC, heat, and hot water. So the smarter people can control these things for us.

I don't care if I am the only person here insulted by these requests. But I find these student requests insulting.

I don't find them insulting, but I also don't find them worthy of taking the time to tell them they are looking in the wrong place.

As far as Government control of our apliances...yes that make me nuts also. Especially since it appears the "Man Made" part of global warming may be pure fiction.
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HA Dave

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Re: what band should i use??plz help me out
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2009, 04:35:48 PM »

As far as Government control of our apliances...yes that make me nuts also. Especially since it appears the "Man Made" part of global warming may be pure fiction.

The entire "Earth movement" has always been a religion... and nothing more. I don't care to demean anyones religion... as I believe in freedom to worship as each individual sees fit.

But to come to this forum and ask for our help. To prepare a paper/study to use this very technology to remove from us control of our own homes. Does insult me.
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Re: what band should i use??plz help me out
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2009, 08:24:38 PM »

I for one, like managing my electric consumption.  Not to save the earth really, but because I'm cheap and already use way too much.

Read the first sentence again.  I like managing my own consumption.  Seems a pity that the government thinks I'm not capable of responsibility on my own.  Looks to me like they have their hands full controlling their own spending, let alone mine.

Here in rural Ohio, our electric Co-Op will give you a discount if you let them install a radio switch on your water tank, so they can shut it down during a "peak alert".  Even when I had a water tank (heater), I just couldn't bring myself to suffer a lack of a hot shower when the grid was a full power.

In the end, I went to a tankless electric.  I feel much better knowing that I'm only heating the water that I need, when I need it.

I use the electrical savings ploy to justify my x10 addiction with my wife.  Now the kids can't leave the lights on when they leave, as the CM15 turns then off on a set schedule.

Just never got around to telling the Mrs. that the units pull 1-2 watts each.
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