I have landlines in two places - on my night stand: I want to be able to answer that call in the middle of the night without looking for one of the cordless phones somebody forgot to put back on the charger - and in the office: I want to know that there will always be a phone there.
Don't get me started on working flashlights and spare batteries. My wife thinks I'm a little OCD about those two little items.
I noticed I got a Helpful. Thanks. I figured one day I'd get one, so I prepared that following (with credit and apologies to the 'Riddick Trilogy').
Jack/Krya - How do I get a (Helpful) like that?
Riddick - You gotta (help) a few people.
Krya - Did a lot of that
Riddick - And then you get sent to a slam where they tell you you'll never see daylight again. So you dig up a doctor, pay him twenty menthol Kools to give you a (Helpful)…
Krya - Only there wasn't a doctor there who would give me a (Helpful), not even for 20 menthol Kools. Was there anything you said that was true?