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Author Topic: Help with X10 Motion Detector  (Read 5061 times)


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Help with X10 Motion Detector
« on: February 14, 2010, 12:26:56 PM »

We recently installed an X10 Powerhouse Supervised Security System in our home.

I knew just enough to go step by step following the manual and everything worked fine for about a month.

Then one night I went to arm the system with my remote keyfob and the trouble alarm sounded (two alternating tones repeating endlessly).

After some troubleshooting I determined that it was the Motion Detector.  I put fresh batteries in, put the base station in program mode, hit the Code button with a pin, hit Test to register it and it beeped once. I was able to arm it and it worked fine that night.

From that point on, I have to re-register it every night before arming it or I will get the Trouble Alarm.

What should I try next to get this to work (and don't say change the batteries because they are brand new).

Any help/advice on this would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Help with X10 Motion Detector
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2010, 12:14:53 PM »

I recently experienced the same thing.  What ended up happening in my case was that the motion detectors were installed twice.  They first registered temselves when motion was detected and then again (under a different code) when I pushed code then test.  So the system was looking for the motion detector to "check in" with the orignal code when it had been changed by the registration process outlined in the instruction manual.  To fix the problem I had to unplug and remove the battery (to reset the unit) and reinstall the motion detectors making sure not to accidently install them twice.  It has worked flawlessly since.


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Re: Help with X10 Motion Detector
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2010, 12:17:34 PM »

Forgot to mention that it was the base unit where I unlugged and changed the battery.

HA Dave

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Re: Help with X10 Motion Detector
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2010, 02:12:15 PM »

I put fresh batteries in, put the base station in program mode, hit the Code button with a pin, hit Test to register it and it beeped once. I was able to arm it and it worked fine that night.

It can be easy enough to register a motion sensor accidentally... registering it with a new code... and the console will never be able to find the old one (even though it is really the same one). Clearing the consoles memory and reprogramming everything will be the only solution.

I've wired most of my DS10A sensors to a location near the console. So I can gather together my (MS10A) motion sensors.. as well as my remotes... and reprogram the console pretty quickly.

It's important to know that the battery's last a nice long time in these units. It was more likely that the unit lost contact with the console for some other reason... like distance from the console.

I test and/or replace batteries in my home.. top-to-bottom from smoke alarms to remote controls.... twice yearly when we set the clocks back and then again in the spring when we set them up (forward).
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 02:22:39 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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Re: Help with X10 Motion Detector
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2010, 11:38:13 AM »

I will remove my 5.8 cordless phone and reinstall the system and report back.
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