How often do you Linux guys have to reboot? For me on windoze it's about every 3 weeks.
How many viruses attack Linux (or OSX)?
I hear that Win 7 does.
My kids once brought me a copy of Umbutu, but I never had the guts to try it. (Same goes for the copy of Vista my wife bought me -- it's still in the shrink wrap.)
I had one Linux system that had about four years of uptime on it, before I just decided to kill the whole system.
My latest Ubuntu boxes usually go months, but if they release some patches that require a reboot, then I just go ahead and reboot. I think I've rebooted my Ubuntu installs twice last month for patches.
No system is immune from virii - we all know some of the most famous worms/trojans etc started life on UN*X boxes. Windows is just a larger installed base and presents a more effective target for virus writers. But, Bill initially did some things that made it easier to infect a Windows box: the initial release of ActiveX was down right criminal IMHO.
It's much mo' safer now.
While it's easier for me to code on a Linux box, mostly because of familiarity with the tools - I really like the fact that Linux let's me prolong the life of my old hardware.
Up until last year, my home automation servers had been a 150MHz Pentium laptop from 1996, a 300MHz laptop from '98, a 400MHz laptop from 2000 and a 800MHz desktop from 2002 or so.
I can find these on craigslist for $20-40, and the load and run Linux just fine and run more than fast enough for something like "heyu".
I splurged last year, spent $75 for a nice 2 GHz AMD desktop that now runs my home automation stuff.