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Author Topic: Fan/Light module for ceiling fans  (Read 26514 times)

Dan Lawrence

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Re: Fan/Light module for ceiling fans
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2011, 05:38:53 PM »

All this is true enough and there is no easy way to X10 control both a ceiling fan and its lights, so this is a wish list that is going nowhere.
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Re: Fan/Light module for ceiling fans
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2011, 10:36:45 PM »

In my office I have a ceiling fan (not sure what brand) with a light and I have 2 - XPDI3 switches zip tied to the frame under the shroud.  I (luckily) am not getting ANY buzz from the ceiling fan either at full brightness, or dimmed.  I do realize that this is a fluke, as most ceiling fans controlled by an XPDI3 have serious or at least some buzz.  The ceiling fan in my living room also has an XPDI3 and has a slight tolerable buzz when dimmed.  Most times when we are in there, we are watching TV so the buzz gets drowned out by the sound of the TV.  Both rooms are controlled by wall mounted XPT switches.

I still plan to add this feature to our master and guest bedrooms and our dining room.  It would be nice though to have an all in one unit designed for a ceiling fan fixture.  Possibly 2 styles, one for fan only, and the other for fans with lights.
Dan Bemowski
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Re: Fan/Light module for ceiling fans
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2011, 09:59:43 AM »

In my office I have a ceiling fan (not sure what brand) with a light and I have 2 - XPDI3 switches zip tied to the frame under the shroud.  I (luckily) am not getting ANY buzz from the ceiling fan either at full brightness, or dimmed.  I do realize that this is a fluke, as most ceiling fans controlled by an XPDI3 have serious or at least some buzz. 
My luck has always been XPDI3 = buzz.

IMHO It all depends on how well the windings and frame get laminated during manufacture. Your office fan may have even been dipped like the early open frame Hunters which would usually tolerate a triac dimmer with out even a hum. They just don't make them like that anymore.

Next time you clean the office fan, if possible, take a gander for a manufacturer ID, and let us know.  It will be a brand I will look for at next purchase.
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