The problem is that all takes time fumbling with a remote to turn on the TV and switch it to channel 122. It would be nice if the living room TV would automatically turn on and switch to channel 122 when motion is detected at the front door by the Eagle Eye.
Get the USB-UIRT,
BVC, one set of the
PowerMids. Install BVC and the USB-UIRT drivers on your AHP computer. Teach the BVC software the On/Off codes for your TV. Then teach the software the channel 122 code/signal.
Very simple easy to do... the IR software is already built into BVC.Put a tricklesaver on your TV with a wart-wart in one of the switched plugs. Wire the wall-wart to a PowerFlash Module plugged into one of the non-switching plugs. Set the PowerFlash to your one of your monitored addresses [lets say.. it's M16]
Say your motion sensor is A1.
TV on/off fake module A3
TV Channel 122 fake module A4
Macro 1 (TV status OFF)
Trigger A1 On AND [condition] M16 OFF
Turn ON fake module A3
delay 5 secs (for TV to warm up... time may need adjusted)
Turn ON fake module A4
Macro 2 (TV already ON)
Trigger A1 On [condition] if M16 ON
delay 1 sec
Turn ON (fake module) A4
The BVC software uses what is called a listener. That means it listens to the powerline (and or RF) to hear an X10 signal. Once you've used the BVC (with IR ) software to learn the IR remote control commands. Program the listeners to to send an IR TV ON when it hears the A3 X10 command, and to send the channel 122 command when it hears the X10 A4 command.
Create a room called Living Rm TV On in AHP in the room add the :
M16 powerflash module
the fake (appliance module) A3
the fake (appliance module) A4
I did this on a small TV that came on and displayed any camera area where activity was detected. This this YouTube Video: