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Author Topic: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days  (Read 35367 times)


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I've tried to do this several times. I have an idea why its not working, but I'd like to ask some advice.
I want the motion sensor to trigger an email on certain days of week, at certain times.
I work all days but sun/mon @ 5pm-2am. I setup a conditional macro between hours 5pm-2am, tues-sat
triggered by g16 (motion sensor), email

If I turn off the conditions it works fine. So its my fault
I wonder if two macros are needed (one for 5pm-12mid and another for 12mid-2am)
but I don't know how to make those macros interact.
Can someone help so that I won't have a hundred email in my inbox?


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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2011, 02:01:13 PM »

I've tried to do this several times. I have an idea why its not working, but I'd like to ask some advice.
I want the motion sensor to trigger an email on certain days of week, at certain times.
I work all days but sun/mon @ 5pm-2am. I setup a conditional macro between hours 5pm-2am, tues-sat
triggered by g16 (motion sensor), email

If I turn off the conditions it works fine. So its my fault
I wonder if two macros are needed (one for 5pm-12mid and another for 12mid-2am)
but I don't know how to make those macros interact.
Can someone help so that I won't have a hundred email in my inbox?

From my experience, (although others have reported otherwise), conditions that pass midnight work better when split up.
In your case, since you also need a day of the week condition, I'd set up two macros, using the same trigger address. That will cause it to work as an if-then-else statement. The weekday condition complicates things, because after midnight, the day changes, so you might not get the results you want.
I assume you want it to work tues-sat from 5pm to midnight, and also wed-sun from 12am-2am, right?
If so, here is how I would set up the conditions on the two macros:

First Macro:
If Day is Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat,
AND time is between 5:00PM and 11:59PM

Second Macro:
If Day is Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun,
AND time is between 12:00AM and 2:00AM

Keep in mind that if you test it by clicking on the "Run Macro" button in AHP, it ignores the conditions.
Use a PalmPAd or another plug-in controller to activate it for testing.


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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2011, 03:18:56 PM »

yes. thats exactly right. I've dealt with similar setup with a POS system, but wasn't sure how macros interacted (if at all)
I used a palmpad, and my own body to trigger it but it didn't work. Even after I changed the timeframe (meaning before current time).
I can see in activity monitor "g16 on" and both macros triggered as well but no email. Email address verified.

Here's what I have:

macro 1
Trigger conditions "g16 on" and
the day of the week is TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT and
The time is between 5pm-11:59pm
End Trigger Conditions
Send E-mail notification - [address] - [subject]

macro 2
Trigger conditions "g16 on" and
the day of the week is SUN, WED, THU, FRI, SAT and
The time is between 12:00am-02:00am
End Trigger Conditions
Send E-mail notification - [address] - [subject]

Both run from pc (obviously)
both reside in "bedroom"
both are using the right trigger
and no security or "else" options are enabled.

It looks correct to me... So what could be happening?
oh. I verified the active home pro (usb) adapter does have correct
timezone and the time is correct. I updated the interface though. Just in case.
I used the condition wizard just in case I messed it up.


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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2011, 03:54:17 PM »

Ok, a few things:
1) When you run it manually (by clicking "run macro" from within AHP), does it send out the e-mail correctly?
2) Have you made sure that the Date, Time, and Timezone are correct on your PC, as well?

If all that is correct, but it simply ignoring the time-based condition, you might be experiencing the problem that a few others here are experiencing with their CM15A ignoring time-based conditions.

Let me know if that's the case, and I'll let the developers know about it. They have been trying to collect examples of that bug, but I don't know where they stand in their efforts.


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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2011, 07:45:43 PM »

Send a Private Message to "ErikP".He is the developer who is looking into this.


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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2011, 08:25:16 PM »

yes. my pc time/date are correct and syncronized to the cm15a.
and triggering with run macro definitely works or without any conditions

I just saw a thread about this, so I was pretty sure when I saw this it was the same thing.
I'll write and hopefully they can get it cleared up.
I'd love to get this working. Kind of fustrating start to x10 :/


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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2011, 09:54:35 PM »

Take this with a grain of salt, but here is how I have solved the "rolling past midnight" issue.

Macro 1:
Condition: P2 ON
Set Flag 16

Macro 2
Condition: P2 OFF
Clear Flag 16

Then I create a dummy switch, usually an XPS, with the address P2.

Quick stop here.  This is what I call the "daytime" flag because when this flag is set, it is a defined period of time.  This makes it real simple to add timers to this flag, and use it as a condition in another macro

So, in your case, you would assign a timer to the P2 dummy switch, that looks something sorta like this:

ON at 5:00 PM Tuesday
OFF at 2:00 AM Wednesday
ON at 5:00 PM Wednesday
OFF at 2:00 AM Thursday
ON at 5:00 PM Thursday
OFF at 2:00 AM Friday
ON at 5:00 PM Friday
OFF at 2:00 AM Saturday
ON at 5:00 PM Saturday
OFF at 2:00 Sunday

In essence, your "flag" is set when you are at work, so the G16 on macro would be very simple: if G16 trips, and the flag is set, then send the email.

Think that might help your situation?



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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2011, 06:48:02 AM »

Bob -
That's a great way to fix it, but the developers are still looking for examples of the time-based conditions not working, so they can track down and fix the underlying cause.
If you are also having that issue, send a PM to "ErikP" (one of the X10 developers), and he will get back to you with more information about which files he wants you to send to him.



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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2011, 11:46:23 AM »

I'll have to try it later when I can play around. From what I understand it should fix the issue,
after a fashion. My box (pc) is on a shelf. I'll vnc into and post the results

I have msg that member, and waiting for response. I assume there has to be a log / debug
that I can send. If they are looking for an eg. I can reproduce the problem every single time.


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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2011, 01:19:15 PM »

Bob -
That's a great way to fix it, but the developers are still looking for examples of the time-based conditions not working, so they can track down and fix the underlying cause.
If you are also having that issue, send a PM to "ErikP" (one of the X10 developers), and he will get back to you with more information about which files he wants you to send to him.



I gotcha, but in a pinch, I am sure freeballer would like a backup while development works on a fix.  Depending on the difficulty of reproduction, available developer cycles, who knows how long that could be - hopefully a quick turn around, but having something is better than nothing while grabbing troubleshooting info.

Freeballer: At any rate - hope you get it working one way or the other!




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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2011, 09:32:00 PM »

thank you, I hope so too.
I was playing with it the other night but wasn't finished.
at any rate the devs have my info, and if they need me to reproduce the issue I'll gladly help



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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2011, 01:18:55 AM »

AHP version 3.315 was released this past Thursday (6/9/2011), and is supposed to have a fix for the time-based macro conditions.
Please try it out, and report back here.



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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2011, 01:54:48 PM »

I had been checking the software update in the application and neglected to check the forums until today, when I was going to
ask about the release. lol
So far the time based macros ARE working. For the record I'm using both time & date range to email and alert.
On a related note; I tried the myhouse application and that doesn't seem to connect. Its the same issue
prior to installing the beta. Thought I'd mention it in case the devs want to look into it.


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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2011, 03:07:22 AM »

edit: myhouse is now WORKING
it seems to be up and running after I came home from work


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Re: smart macro - motion sensor (e-mail) at certain times/days
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2011, 05:14:13 PM »

Today I had to reload the smart macros because my system crashed and (apparently) my last changes
were not saved. It saves only one of the two conditions when using the wizard.

same macro as the first post:

tigger g16
email to: [email] / [subject]

It only saves the time of day, and not the day of week
I tried it in different order, and using ONLY days of week. Anytime I save days of week its
missing from the macro description window at the bottom and fails to trigger.

I downloaded the latest version of ahp, which at first fixed the issue.
I've re-installed and started the configuration from scratch.

Is anybody having the same problem?
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