Bill! Great to see you. Since I last posted I've thrown some money at my problem in the form of more modules for testing, but am otherwise still stuck.
I'm optimistic that BVC will work with AHP 3.318, so I will continue down that avenue for now. I am running Windows XP 32 bit, as that seemed the safest. I did try it on a different computer with Windows 7 64 bit, with the same results. I am also having the same problem with PCC. This tends to suggest to me that I am doing something stupid, or I have some bad hardware. Since my CM19A can communicate with my Protector Plus I don't think it's bad, but I ordered some appliance modules and motion sensors to test with.
In the PCC thread on this board, we went off on a tangent regarding my test example. I have a simple macro in AHP that sends B1 ON. In the activity monitor, I can see that it transmitted B1 ON (via RF). In BVC, I have a listener set to listen for B1 ON (both RF and powerline) and speak a phrase. Unfortunately I never hear the phrase. This lead to some speculation regarding whether the CM19A transmits B1 ON but never hears it, because it does not listen to itself. So, I guess my question out of that is how should I be sending commands from AHP macros to BVC? I thought X10 commands would be the way to go, but does BVC only listen to X10 codes coming in from sources outside the computer?
Thanks Bill.