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Author Topic: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod9 and 10 with install instructions.  (Read 68932 times)


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This uses Christian Troys excellent CyanogenMod build found here

First you need clockwork recovery. Both of my previous images have been update with the latest build for our tablets.
Burn either of these with Livesuite

Second download Christian Troys CyanogenMod build from
Download the Google Apps or from here if you want the Facelock app
Download my airpad xl compatibility file
Copy all 3 to an sd card

Third shutdown the tablet and boot to cwm by holding vol- while pressing the power button for 3 seconds than release power and vol-.
Select install zip from sd card than choose zip from sdcard by pressing the power button.
Install then then
Go Back and reboot.

If you get an error about the sd card being corrupt install from CWM to fix it.

I have added some AirpadXL branding to the compatibility file, if anyone wants one without it I can upload one.
The compatibility file should work with his AOKP build found here it has some extra option but I thought CM9 ran smoother.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 03:22:54 PM by jcoleman2164 »


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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod with install instructions.
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 11:59:10 PM »

What does all of this add?
Above what your previous  0331 bt build did.

By the way I get my pad to pair with headsets/stereo but no sound out stereo just out of tablet.


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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod with install instructions.
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2012, 08:54:19 AM »

Bluetooth update on XL:

I bought a new A2DP compatible stereo headphones and they do not work either. When I pair to modified 0331 build I still am not getting prompted for a passkey and when I try to use headphones I get invalid passkey error and no audio.

Where am I going wrong or do I need to install the CyanogenMod before it will work?

Otherwise, this is the best build ever and puts Ployer to shame.

Thanks again for your dedicated work.
I have an AIRPAD X which is a re-badge of the ZENITHINK ZT280-C91 and an AIRPAD XL which is a re-badge of the PLOYER MOMO15

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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod with install instructions.
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2012, 02:42:29 PM »

On mine I set the default pass key on the Pioneer Receiver to 0000 and it pairs just fine.

My pioneer says X10 Bluetooth and my X10 Says Pioneer ....

It's just that the sound still comes out the X10 speaker not the Pioneer Receiver

PS - the pioneer receiver is designed to work like bluetooth stereo headsets only with MUCH bigger speakers!

Is it possible to update the Bluetooth in the ICS to included A2DP support?


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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod with install instructions.
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2012, 06:21:56 PM »

If your Bluetooth devices are going to work with this tablet it is going to take installing cm9.  It is the latest version of ICS and it looks like all of the Bluetooth profiles are supported.  I have tried to get them to work with the other builds but have been unsuccessful.

From the website it adds:
* Bluetooth USB dongle support (btusb and ath3k)
* USB GPS support (cp210x and pl2303)
* Xbox 360 gamepad support (xpad)
* PS3 USB gamepad support (hid-sony)
* Generic / chinese (Pantherlord / GreenAsia) gamepads support (hid-pl and hid-gaff)
* OpenVPN support (tun)
* NTFS and ExFat support
* Veno congestion control algorithm
* USB audio support

Also it adds overclocking and different CPU governors, and just looking through the setting I see airplane mode, portable hotspot, WI-fi direct, themes, oh and my favorite touching the clock area twice brings up a brightness slider. Some of this may have been available before but I didn't notice it.

I just saw that there is a post for CM10 based on jellybean but without hw accelerated video playback.  I will give it a try and report back.


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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod with install instructions.
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2012, 03:22:16 PM »

I have update the 0331 image bluetooth may work better but I don't have anything to test it with.

I updated both images and 0331 to up the /system partition to 350MB so that Christian Troys Jellybean port of CyanogenMod 10 can be installed.

Web browsing from this rom is much faster.

Install it much the same as cm9 just make sure to use livesuite to flash one on these images first.

From the site
* Upload zips to MicroSD or internal memory.
* Boot into CWM keeping pressed VOL- (MENU) and POWER for 3 secs, than release POWER and after another sec release VOL- (or use Novo7 tools if it doesn't work for your device)
* Select "wipe data/factory reset"
* Select "install zip from sdcard" -> "choose zip from sdcard" (or "choose zip from internal sdcard" if your files are into internal memory) and flash, in this order, rom / gapps / compatibility zip
* Now go back, and select "Reboot system now"

Compatibility zip AirpadXL branded
Compatibility zip generic

Also from the site

Known Bugs
* HW accelerated video playback (cedar's demuxer is incompatible with JB) so video playback is only in SW mode. Youtube works fine, just don't use HD videos and everything will play. MX Player in "Fast S/W" mode will play almost everything up to 720p
* If you have issues with Tablet -> PC connection use an app to transfer files via WiFi, like "Airdroid". You can flash this zip as workaround. To mount memories on PC open terminal emulator and type "su", "mount-storage". When you have finished you can type "umount-storage". If you wanna you can create a shortcut with GScript app.


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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod9 and 10 with install instructions.
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2012, 11:05:27 AM »

Not to sound like a complete moron.... but I am confused.  You have a couple of images here with a couple more zips.  What do I install and in what order to get ics with full blutooth?
 Do I still need to patch key files?
  Please and thanks for the help.


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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod9 and 10 with install instructions.
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2012, 03:28:27 PM »


I installed the cm10 and had a few issues so I got the CM9 stuff at the top of the page and that is running pretty good. first use livesuit to install the system image. I used the CM008-0331-BT-CWR.img with the 350MB /system image.

so to answer your question.

download the files mentioned in the CM9 stuff at top of page and put all but the .img on sdcard.

install the image as normal with livesuit on PC.
reboot and let tablet come up as normal.. it needs to build all the internal stuff it uses before u install CM9.

reboot and follow the rest of the instruction in either post CM9 or CM10 to use CWR.

CM10 gave me launcher issues and one of the first apps i installed could not run (dropbox) so i went to CM9 and running it now.

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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod9 and 10 with install instructions.
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2012, 07:56:30 PM » always thanks for the clear instructions....

If I follow the link there is a bunch of CM9 zip files - do I take the latest?
So I do livesuite for the BT 0331 img file - then the boot/power thing for the zip files...

Why do I need the google file - isn't google in 0331?

Still a little confusing - probably because I don't understand the purpose of CM9 or CM10.

What about the key files?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 09:48:54 PM by Jimdi »


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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod9 and 10 with install instructions.
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2012, 09:36:08 PM »

I am ready to update my firmware. Just one question:
What is the difference between these two latest updated versions and ?

Thank you.
I have an AIRPAD X which is a re-badge of the ZENITHINK ZT280-C91 and an AIRPAD XL which is a re-badge of the PLOYER MOMO15

If I have helped you please click on "Helpful Post" under my name to the left. Thank you.


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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod9 and 10 with install instructions.
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2012, 11:57:08 PM »

Sorry I have been working on something instead of watching this thread.

All of my images have the proper keylayouts already.
Of the two the 0331 image probably has the best bluetooth support. The AirpadXL-Momo15 image has AirpadXL branding meaning wallpapers and such and a later kernal version. What does the later kernal get you? IDK

CM9 is just a modified version of ICS.  CM10 is a modified version of Jellybean but it is basically pre-beta and not recommended unless you just want to try it.
Jellybean requires 300MB+ for the /system partition and thats why I updated the images. 0331 may have better bluetooth support but the other is the same.
To install CM9 this way you still need one of the images flashed with livesuite because the include Clockwork Recovery that you will use to wipe and install cm9. Kinda like livesuite that runs on the tablet.

All of this may not matter though because of what I have been working on. I am uploading a working CM9 livesuite image. It has the best possible bluetooth support and AirpadXL branding and I have finally fixed the corrupt sd issue.
Here's the link

This version comes with the basic google apps system apps but I plan on making another that has apps I actually use. Anyone have any suggestions? Like the apps included in 0331?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 02:46:28 AM by jcoleman2164 »


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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod9 and 10 with install instructions.
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2012, 07:31:30 AM »

Thanks... A simple img file would be much we still need to fix the volume keys?
  0331 pkg apps were great... duplicate that. Maybe add a great mail and contacts app..   thanks again.


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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod9 and 10 with install instructions.
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2012, 10:30:23 AM »

The volume keys are already fixed. As far as I can tell everything should be working. Though I haven't tried HDMI out, if anyone does please report back.

I would recommend once you have it installed go to settings>performance>processor>CPU governor and change it to fantasy then check "set on boot". This may use a little more battery but it feels much more responsive.

This image already include the regular email and contacts apps and the gmail app. Is there better options? I haven't used any of them much.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 10:33:33 AM by jcoleman2164 »


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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod9 and 10 with install instructions.
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2012, 04:51:27 PM »

Again - thank you very much for you work.
Your help is appreciated -
Will load it today.


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Re: AirpadXL latest CyanogenMod9 and 10 with install instructions.
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2012, 05:22:15 PM »

WOW!  If first impressions matter- WOW this kicks A$$!

Applications I would like to see on boot -
K-9 Mail - better features
Google Music - so I can get my music.
I see you have Amazon Store - what about Kindle.
and I personally like ES file manager because of the app backup feature - I could easily restore my apps.

Thanks again!
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