I have the ActiveHome Pro. and its been working Great till this week. Tuesday morning it went through its routine of turning the lights on but when it was time for the routine of turning them off it didn't. Tried to turn them off with the remote and it didn't work ether (on anything)which meant the interface (CM15A) wasn't responding. I opened up the activehome program and tried to run the off routine but nothing happened, so I tried to update the info in the interface, It showed that it was communicating with the interface (flashing icon at bottom of screen) but it never downloaded anything to the interface. I tried to clear the interface, again showed to be communicating but never showed the progress bar. I decided to restart my computer encase it was a software issue and while the computer was restarting I tried to turn all the lights off with a manual controller but when I pressed the all off button the lights would go off then in a few seconds they would come back on, It did this on any off button I pressed for the individual lights. I had to unplug the interface from the wall to be able to turn the lights off. After about 4 hours I plugged the interface back in and was able to update it from the activehome software. Everything was working again. It went through its functions that night like it had been programed with no problems.
The next morning it ran its morning on routine and turned all the lights on, but again it didn't turn them off and this time unplugging it hasnet worked. As soon as I plug it back in it turns all the lights on and you cant turn them off from the remote and using the manual controller they wont stay off without unplugging the USB Interface form the wall.
I received this from X10 Customer Support
It sounds like your CM15A is hard locked internally. To correct this, it will need to be unplugged from the wall, have the batteries taken out of it and the
USB disconnected from the PC. Then let it sit for 145 mins so it can fully drain it's capacitors. After the 15 mins wait, plug the CM15A into an outlet
first, then put the batteries into it. Failing to do so after the reset will cause the model to eventually lockup again. After the batteries are in, connect
it to the PC and re-download the timers and macros to the CM15A. At this point, you should no longer have that problem.
X10 Customer Support
Well at 11:30 am I removed the Interface (CM15A) from its power source (Wall Terminal), Removed the 4 AAA Batteries and unplugged the USB cable. At 6:30pm I plugged the Interface back to its power source, Put the batteries back in it and plugged the USB cable back into the interface. brought up the activehome program and downloaded the timers and micros into the interface. It showed that everything worked, the progress bar and the communicating icon worked this time. I clicked on one of the lamp modules and it was very slow to react to the command but the lamp never came on then about a minute later the lamp came on. I tried to turn it off and it was the same results reacted VERY slow. So I decided to try the micros because that seamed to be where the problem was. I clicked on the lights on micro and the lamps came on after a short delay. (Not suppose to be a delay in any of the Micros) I clicked on the lights off Micro, it flashed and in about 60 seconds the lights went off. Then I noticed that the Micro ran again and again, then the lights on Micro ran so I figured this might be the problem so I deleted everything from the MICROS. All the lamps are still reacting very slow. I tried the Remote and again it took about 60 seconds for the light to come on. I clicked on a Appliance Module and It never did come on. I tried to turn on an Appliance Module from the ActiveHome program and it didn't work, Showed to be on but it wasn't. Later that night everything started working right. The next morning nothing worked, even the Manual Controller isn't working.
Things have gotten worse. Now nothing is working but one lamp module and it has a 60 second delay. I have seven x10 modules, (2 lamp Modules and 5 appliance Modules) lets start with the Bedroom, A Lamp Module controls the bedside lamps, A appliance module control a box fan and another Appliance Module controls a Air purifier, There is a Radio Shack plug n Play remote control Command Center Controller on the bedside table. This Controller shows to be working but none of the modules respond when a button is pressed. The Computer/Server has the Active Home Pro installed with a CM15A, OK the Living room has a Lamp Module that controls the lamp next to my recliner, A Appliance module controls two lamps beside the couch and a appliance module controls a wireless printer, I have a palm pad remote control HR12A next to my chair and a Appliance Module controls the porch light and I have a X10 Security Flood light on the end of the house.
Today I spent all day replacing modules, Still no response from the modules, I found a old TM751 and a RR501 so I tried them to, No response from the TM751 but the RR501 did turn on a lamp attached to it. I tested the lamp module next to my chair by plugging both the RR501 and the lamp module into a serge protector, It still took the lamp 60 seconds to respond to a on and off command even with the RR501 plugged in right next to it. Right now the only module that is working is the one plugged into a serge protector that controls the lamp next to my chair.
I'm so confused, Everything had been working great for about two years the last week it started going down hill.