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Author Topic: New x10 Wi-Fi unit  (Read 222879 times)


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New x10 Wi-Fi unit
« on: December 19, 2013, 10:52:25 AM »

Many of you have read Authinx is working on a X10 Wi-Fi unit.
Many like my self are very excited about this unit and want to know as much about it as possible.
Some have posted questions on my site or other sites with concerns some even contacted me with questions.
I forwarded those questions which were then passed on to the manufacture.
The manufacture wishes to know why these are important to us?
Not that some aren't already implemented.
x10(Authinx) wants to know if there are any other questions /suggestions as well.
This doesn't mean all will be implemented as they don't wish to delay the release anymore then needs be.
So I asked to post this.
Please reply stating why each is important to you?
There is no name for the device yet so they are looking for suggestion there but want it simple
Also If you have any other suggestions please post them here as well I doubt I'll need to forward your suggestions or questions as the owner does read the forum.

Here are some of your Questions & my ideas for the reason:
  • Name? Reason:  it helps to know what others are referring to easier to remember then a model Number
    My ideas: X10AirWave, ProAir, or AirHub-I  
    Others Suggestions: X10 NextGen Controller, Wi-Fi CM critter, FIDELITY Controller, X10 Wi-Fi controller, i X10, X10WiFiCommander,  X10AirFi, CONX10-AIR,Xtense-fi
  • Will it send AND receive both x10 RF/PLC?
    Reason:  this is important as X10 is a mix of RF and PLC.PLC isn't dead far from it.  The unit needs to be plugged in for power anyways as for RF it reduced the need for a transceiver and will allow it to interface with the security  and motion sensors
    Also I wish to use this in a off grid location running solar so the fewer things I need plugged in the better
     sending the power-mid devices RF would be a bonus
  • Will it send IR as well?
    Reason:  this would allow control of TVs and other entertainment devices
  • Will it have a Ethernet connection?
    Reason:  it would save users having to buy an additional Wi-Fi router to interface with their home network
    it would allows anything on the home network the ability to talk to it
    users without a Wi-Fi router would still be able to connect remotely
  • Will it have a USB connection?
    Reason:  this would allow an interface to a PC making updates easier
    would allow for a PC connection... a PLUS if running local sensors and/or software
    it would allow future hardware expansion
  • Does this just use the cloud like other failed launches?
    Reason:  we don't want to be tide to a outside server look what happened with X10 and AHP servers
    give us connect options here
    some ISP could flag Urls as suspicious address and so would cut connections until users communicated with then to reinstate
    it should not be necessary to access external servers to maintain system operation or reinstall programs on a new PC.
    servers going down even for a brief moment disables the reliability of a setup
  • Will it be firmware upgradeable?
    Reason:  this is a no brainer bugs always creep into things firmware updates will help fix these as well help add extra options as they become available.
    Users don't wish to have to keep buying another unit when ever a new option is added
  • Will it interface with my cameras?
    Reason: This may be were a USB adaptor could come to play for those still using wired cameras or a va12/13.
     Wi-Fi cameras should be a easy add with a simple firmware update it helps with security and
  • Will this interface with my AHP software?
    Reason: it would be nice to use the power of that software another reason for the USB addaptor
  • Will a SDK or API be released?
    Reason: This will make this unit desirable to other software developers increasing user demand for the unit
    ability to expand... even FLOOD the market with desirable software
  • Will it have a replaceable external antenna?
    Reason: Many users have issues with current X10 RF signals the ability to add a bigger eternal antenna would help with that issue
     it's the range that's required. An antenna "plug" of some sort could fix ALOT for some users
  • will this have local storage for events like timers and macros or will end users need a PC?
    Reason: many are looking for a stand alone unit for control, not having to be connected to a PC except maybe to upload info is a big plus
  • Is this a replacement controller to the cm15?
    Reason: for clarification
  • Is there plans to have this send Wi-Fi commands to other devices?
    Reason: Since new Wi-Fi controllable devices are coming on the market all the time It would be nice to have one unit that could talk to them. for example a thermostat (many brands), WeMo devices (Berlin) Wi-Fi LEDs (MiLight, Philips hue)
    Could be a real bonus for users of mixed brands
  • Software abilities?
    Reason: for clarification,will it have macros ,floor plan layouts, timers?
  • Will this send email alerts?
    Reason: Ability to send a reconnect notification or other alarm notifications

Note: I'll update my list as users post with reasons and new suggestions.
Please reply as this will affect how powerful this device will be initially

The manufacture now has this list and we are awaiting feed back.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 09:01:44 AM by Tuicemen »
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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2013, 11:59:10 AM »

I would like clarification: is this a replacement controller to the cm15? Will it have local storage to run. on its own without a pc?
I guess I was anticipating a wifi unit like a module that circumvented plc. Like a AM or LM that received commands through wifi instead of PLC.
Remote control is cool,

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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2013, 01:23:02 PM »

My understanding is this is a controller and is not a replacement for the cm15 AHP
Although if it transceived RF and PLC to then it could replace the cm15
           I received confirmation this is a controller that presently relays commands via PLC. :)%
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Re: Make your wish a reality!
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2013, 09:08:54 AM »

X10 NextGen Controller
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 09:40:18 AM by Knightrider »
Remote control is cool,

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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2013, 09:38:23 AM »

As my cm15a is a long way from my computer (by usb standards), a critter similar to the cm15 but wifi instead of usb would be great.

name? Wi-Fi CM critter


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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2013, 11:11:04 AM »

I've been informed that all ideas, suggestions and questions will be looked at and submitted to the manufacture next week.

Also although my list looks like I have all questions covered the manufacture has requested reasons.
The more reasons we can give the more likely it will be added as a feature.
So if you see a question but think of another reason for asking then post that so I can add it.
This also will show more interest in the product then me and the few that have already posted.
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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2013, 04:12:47 PM »

FIDELITY Controller!
Logged, I don't know what I'm doin but I'm havin fun doin it!

HA Dave

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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2013, 07:06:43 PM »

Many of you have read Authinx is working on a X10 Wi-Fi unit......

I like simple... how about the name:  X10 Wi-Fi controller.

  • Will it send AND receive both x10 RF/PLC?
    Reason:  this is important as X10 is a mix of RF and PLC.PLC isn't dead far from it.  The unit needs to be plugged in for power anyways as for RF it reduced the need for a transceiver and will allow it to interface with the security  and motion sensors
RF and PLC send and receive of course would be best... for more reasons than can be listed. AND... sending the power-mid devices RF would be a bonus as well. Because with the right accessory and/or software IR could be added by using the new controller to send directly to a power-mid receiver.

  • Will it have a Ethernet connection?
Connect to/through a router to dedicated DNS server for world-wide connection is a super advantage! Old X10 users knew some of that ability via the old semi-dependable servers. We used it with the my home plug-in (for cameras mostly). Now with smartphone remote connection is a MUST.

  • Will it have a USB connection?
    Reason:  this would allow an interface to a PC making updates easier? not really sure why this was asked
  • Does this just use the cloud like other failed launches?
    Reason:  we don't want to be tide to a outside server look what happened with X10 and AHP servers

USB would allow for a PC connection... a PLUS if running local sensors and/or software. BUT... cloud connections are also very much part of the setups of the future.
  • Will a SDK or API be released?
    Reason: This will make this unit desirable to other software developers increasing user demand for the unit

So important that others be allowed to expand... even FLOOD the market with desirable software. I myself bought the original CM15A so I could use a 3rd party software that required the interface.

  • Will it have a replaceable external antenna?
    Reason: Many users have issues with current X10 RF signals the ability to add a bigger eternal antenna would help with that issue
  • will this have local storage for events like timers and macros or will end users need a PC?
    Reason: many are looking for a stand alone unit for control, not having to be connected to a PC except maybe to upload info is a big plus
Big antenna or long range.... it's the range that's required. An antenna "plug" of some sort could fix ALOT for some users.

  • Is there plans to have this send Wi-Fi commands to other devices?
    Reason: Since new Wi-Fi controllable devices are coming on the market all the time It would be nice to have one unit that could talk to them. for example a thermostat (many brands), WeMo devices (Berlin) Wi-Fi LEDs (MiLight, Philips hue)
I've wondered.... what laws/restrictions apply to enabling control of other brands of devices. Could be a real bonus for users of mixed brands.
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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2013, 12:20:04 AM »

I am still here..... :)+

Been watching from the sidelines while still giving resuscitation to both my AHP setups I have with thanks to iHouse and the EU version.

First of all a big THANKS!!! :)%  to Authinx for helping keep hope for a future for the  X10 for us. Many where on the verge of moving to something new including myself.

As for a name, my first thoughts are, -:) "Wi X10", "X10WiFiCommander"  or " X10AirFi".

All the options suggested so far have a very good array of choices and reasons for them of which I do agree with.  :)%

But one issue I did have in the past with the old X10 setup was the update heart beat that the AHP does. Cogeco Cable had many issues with me concerning the frequency of the communication with X10net and catagorized it as a behavior of spam action and occording to them the url was of suspcious address and so would cut my internet connection until I communicated with them. That all stopped back in the summer when X10 shutdown. >*<

I do question any connection or relation of X10 and Ip or network Cameras in relationship to the unit itself. As for software that is fine. Lets just keep it clean and simple, Home Automation.

I did not see it, but as for option in the software, just take Tuicemen's PCc and IHouse and go with that. Floor Plans, Macros, Voice commands etc.  :)%

All the best in this venture for all involved. You can count on me watching even closer now.


Ps, A very Safe and Happy Holiday season to all ya X10 kids. >!


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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2013, 12:42:53 AM »

After the problems encountered by many folks when X10 Wireless shut down, I think the most important issue is that it should not be necessary to access external servers to maintain system operation or reinstall programs on a new PC.

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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2013, 01:28:52 AM »

Looks like you guys have pretty well covered my wish list.
I would only add that I hope this this and any other future X10 offerings tend to focus on quality, reliability, functionality ect. and not so much on price point. Its easy to be spoiled by high quality equipment from the likes of JVDE, and WGL. I sure would like to see more X10 equipment (modules,sensors ect.)offered with similar quality!
I am very excited for the future of X10! :)%


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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2013, 01:42:05 AM »

Name hmm... CONX10-"AIR"    -:)
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 01:46:04 AM by autom8r »

HA Dave

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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2013, 02:05:25 AM »

After the problems encountered by many folks when X10 Wireless shut down, I think the most important issue is that it should not be necessary to access external servers to maintain system operation or reinstall programs on a new PC.

I can't disagree... with the frustration felt when I realized that without X10 servers part of my system had already failed.... and it was heartbreaking knowing it was only a matter of time till the rest of my system would fail.

But... without DNS servers for software products like "my house"... for things like remote control, camera viewing, security alarm arming and disarming we'd be giving up too much. I can use my camera DVR software to place [motion detected] images on the cloud... as well as recorded to the DVR's HD. I really like the idea of controlling many home functions via my smart phone. Standard old downloaded software can't cut it in the modern world.

BUT... if the new X10 owner would give up on the idea of cashing in with software profits (which isn't likely a profitable idea anyway) and release source information that allows 3rd party code writers to flood the market with software/apps that runs on all [the flavors of] operating systems.... Then that would be a very desirable interface... AND product-line. I'd LOVE to see/use a HA PC.... that is really only a Android tablet!

I had the old CM11A and HATED it! I never really figured out how to make the old Active Home work well. I bought the CM15A... ONLY because I desperately wanted to use Voice Recognition Software. Bill had written BXVC (later called BVC)... and it required a running PC and the CM15A with AHP and smart macros.

I think other code writers could create the very same demand for an open sourced home automation controller. Heck... I just recently paid the ten bucks for Mellowares iPhone app that allows me to control my X10 from my phone. Heck.... just think about it. Maybe a 100 interesting (and some free) apps available for download to control functions of a home automation system. Could anyone BUY that kind of product advertisement?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 02:26:15 AM by HA Dave »
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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2013, 09:11:22 AM »

I think I've got all questions, request, reasons and name suggestions so far added to the original post. If not PM me and I'll fix it.
With the demise of the old X10 the community has become more aware what a internet tied system is like when the servers go down even for a brief moment.
I think we need options with what ever is added to the Wi-Fi modules for connections.
Maybe a fail safe if their server goes down then use a direct connection or the ability to use a user definable DNNS not one hard coded.
I have a foscam that sends the IP address each time it reconnects to the internet.
This is a fail safe for me if the DNNS I use goes down.
which brings up another question
Will this send email alerts?
Many things can be added via a PC connection  heck I even thought of adding this option to PCC(and still might)
BUT... if the new X10 owner would give up on the idea of cashing in with software profits (which isn't likely a profitable idea anyway) and release source information that allows 3rd party code writers to flood the market with software/apps that runs on all [the flavors of] operating systems.... Then that would be a very desirable interface... AND product-line. I'd LOVE to see/use a HA PC.... that is really only a Android tablet!
This won't be such a big deal with this device but would simplify things.
Since it is relying on Wi-Fi it is possible to listen into what is sent over the home network and recreating that.
This doesn't mean it is not secure one would need to know your network encryption key  to hack a end users setup.
Looks like you guys have pretty well covered my wish list.
I would only add that I hope this this and any other future X10 offerings tend to focus on quality, reliability, functionality ect. and not so much on price point.
Since the new owners were the distributors for the pro line I think they are on top of the quality thing(time will tell).
it is important for end users interested in this product to post even if the post states "you guys have it all covered!" It shows the new owner and the manufacture there is a large interest in them getting this right the first time.
Software/firmware upgrades can improve a lot but not if the hardware isn't there to handle it. >*<

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Re: New x10 Wi-Fi unit (input requested)
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2014, 11:37:47 PM »

How about beginning to abolish the negative impact X-10 has left in the market place?

Xtense-fi, extended coverage using Wi-Fi. I have been an Xten user for over 15 years, have had my ups and downs with
the equipment and accessories but overall, I reliable use it to control my home automation.

Hopefully Authentix will continue to improve the products and offer new options to revive the new company.

X-10 is dead but let its spirit live on!!

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