No wonder this program isn't getting finished. It has no vision. It has no direction.
Actually the program(app) is finished and ready to go, I'm told. ( however is any program ever really complete?)
The issue now is the unit which may just be a quality control issue (which wouldn't surprise me) since this is the same manufacture that x10 WTI used.
Authinx has been attempting to enable this software to do things only possible with cloud based software and have succeeded to a great extent which is great news.
To accomplish this we need really great software and a good internet connected computer running 24/7.... or we need a little processor and an app that connects to the cloud. There just ain't no other way to do it
This is not true!
It use to be only running a PC 25/7 was, now the cloud has expanded this.
Tinny little processors which run these little apps connecting to the cloud are in most cases more powerful then the PC you first used for HA running 24/7.
With progress possibilities get expanded sticking with the easy way (cloud based software) may progress things faster.
However the easy way is not always the best way.
Serves go down,slowdown, get hacked, in fact everything that can happen to your software can happen to cloud based software. When this happens thousands are affected and with no way to control any thing rendering your setup useless.
Hundreds of companies have had issues with cloud based software and yet they stick with because many think there is no other way!
I think Authinx has been listening to users and trying to give them cloud base functions with out a cloud based software!
This is something X10WTI didn't do (listen)! Kudos to Authinx for listening!
Now Authinix hasn't moved completely away from cloud based software, just look at their new Linked line cameras.
However these save images to a SD so if the server is down or the software crashes you still have access to your images.
In fact you can set these up to run totally off line too.