[UPDATE] 1 L of a week - M,T 5 rooms of new carpet and "we don't move furniture, we just lay carpet...". Mon @ 10AM FedEx and my DS12A, Tues: "Daddy can you help install my new garage door? (bat, bat, bat...)", Thur: sat half the day gathering sigs to recall our Sheriff, Fri. more of the same. Sat- recall came up short @$!#@!$! Sat lunch time added batteries to my DS12 and via CM19A:
07/12 11:52:38 Rx RFSEC DE:33:00 Contact_normal_max_tamper_DS12A
07/12 11:52:39 Rx RFSEC DE:33:00 Contact_alert_max_tamper_DS12A
07/12 11:53:02 Rx RFSEC DE:33:00 Contact_normal_max_tamper_DS12A
07/12 11:53:03 Rx RFSEC DE:33:00 Contact_alert_max_tamper_DS12A
07/12 11:53:44 Rx RFSEC DE:33:00 Contact_alert_max_DS10A
07/12 11:53:46 Rx RFSEC 3E:B3:80 Contact_normal_max_DS10A

So out to garage, cut a 3" length of rubber roller from an old SM typewriter, an 6"x6" alum. plate that use to hold power transistors, a couple of 1/2"x 1 alum angle, 30" of alum double pane window channel, screws'n nuts, glue ... the 30" of channel will ride up&down on some foam rubbing on the roller which will turn the shaft that will spin (very slowly) a small magnet(x2) which will pass by the DS12. When installed I'll post some photos.