You guys who have been around will remember the macro help I got some time ago. has all been working OK for a long time, well, since about Jan or Feb 2014.
I have it all running with a macro loaded into a CM-11A and with an alarm console to receive the RF signals from a HR12a.
I actually uploaded the macro to the module, and until now that has been working fine. It's still working fine, but something is amiss.
Lots of old stuff here!
So anyway, what I noticed is the RF commands were not working with the macro in the CM11A.
I can used an adjacent miniconsole to send a unit 1 on, and the macro turns the unit 2 on in a few seconds, like before.
But the wireless 1 on or 1 off has no effect.
The wireless 2 on and 2 off through the wireless HR12A works, the module in the garage goes on/off as expected.
Just not with the delay, even though that works wired.
However the HR12A can no longer trigger the macro.
I took the HR12A right next to the alarm console and the CM11A and the green light flickers when I push any button, so that all works.
So the macro is working since the wired works and the macro runs.
The alarm console works since the HR12A can send a 2 on /off.
The CM11A works since it's macro is clearly running.
But only wired.
Also with the miniconsole a 2 on or 2 off have the correct effect. So that all works.
The macro works without the wireless and the alarm console and the HR12A, but not with.
I have unplugged the alarm console (it has no battery installed, and I have no alarm) and the CM11A. No difference.
I just have no idea what could be wrong since all the parts are working OK.
A communication problem between the alarm console and the CM11A. That is the only failure. Everything else works!
Anyone have any bright ideas? I am stopped since each part in the system tests OK, but that one wireless function doesn't work.