It's a bit ugly since it requires several components, but I was using a standard motion sensor that did not have a relay output with a relay and a power flash. If you found one with relay output, you could simplify.
The configuration would be a standard light fixture controlled by a motion sensor. The same output from the motion sensor could be hooked up to a 120VAC relay to control a contact closure on the PF which could then trigger your other lights. The big downside of this is packaging in that you don't end up with a nice compact outdoor compatible installation. On the up side, you have a much greater selection of motion sensors and can pick one that meets your needs. I can't find the one I am using (Heath's site is terrible for finding exact product). I bought a replacement sensor at Home Depot for ~$20. It was a 240 or 270 degree unit with "Creep Zone" and Boost. Basically, that just gives a down facing sensor and picks up motion out to 100'.