I've switched from using AHP + SDK, but I have a question about the RF protocol or perhaps how AHP+SDK sees things. I don't know if this has been covered, so if so, just point me in the right direction.
When using any RF receiver and pressing a button an a remote (palm pad for instance), there are always 2 commands seen. AHP shows in the activity monitor that the command was something like:
63 1/29/2015 6:33:50 PM Receive RF A1 On
64 1/29/2015 6:33:50 PM Receive RF A1 On
65 1/29/2015 6:33:50 PM Receive A1
66 1/29/2015 6:33:51 PM Receive A On
67 1/29/2015 6:33:51 PM Receive A1
68 1/29/2015 6:33:51 PM Receive A On
But, anyone who's used the SDK probably knows that it shows different results.
2015/01/29 18:33:50 RecvAction: recvrf, a1, On, 0, 1/30/2015 2:33:50 AM,
2015/01/29 18:33:50 RecvAction: recvrf, a1, On, -1, 1/30/2015 2:33:50 AM,
2015/01/29 18:33:51 RecvAction: RecvPlc, a1, On, , ,
2015/01/29 18:33:51 RecvAction: RecvPlc, a1, On, , ,
There is a parameter with a value of 0 and -1 in the RF commands. I assume this is a "button pressed" and "button released" value. Does anyone know how this works in the RF protocol? I haven't seen it listed and I don't see it when looking at the raw USB data.