I did some extensive tests over the weekend using
JV Digital Engineering's XTBM-Pro x10 Signal AnalyzerThis is one tool that really is handy for not only troubleshooting but also getting to know your setup.
Using this I discovered some interesting things.
These test were all done at my off grid solar place and I plan to do more extensive test in the city.
I initially was getting some really strange readings with the Wi-Fi unit plugged in.
1:Multi PLC send readings, collisions and other errors.
None of these affected any of my timers or macro However that possibility could have happened in a more extensive setup.
Since I had my Cm15a plugged in as well as a new X10 PLC repeater (I'm testing as well) I assumed it was the repeater so I removed it from the system which cut down some repeats but not collisions.
The strange thing was If I sent a command from the Wi-Fi unit with the app there were no collisions.
I fired up AHP and looked at the X10 activity it too showed multi PLC commands after a RF.
I ran around looking for equipment that may be adding PLC signals and the only thing that I could come up with was the DS7000. However I had already unplugged it
So I unplugged my CM15 figuring it had finally bit the dust.
Sent a RF command to turn on a light close by and it came on.
the XTBM-Pro showed I was still sending PLC with a RF with no collisions and no repeats. But what transceiver was plugged in?
The WI_FI module
Unplugging it and sending a RF resulted in nothing working.
I was told this had no RF capabilities obviously it does! though it is most likely only for receiving. With this new discovery I suggested some app changes that would allow us to benefit from this.
2:With both the Wi-Fi and cm15 plugged in I also noticed the first PLC send was less powerful then the second. Both the Wi-Fi unit and cm15 were on the same circuit however the Wi-Fi unit was closer to the XTMB-Pro which was also on the same circuit.
I place it on a separate circuit and removed first the Wi-Fi unit from the system then the CM15 testing each separately.
The Wi-Fi Unit produced a PLC signal almost twice as strong as my old CM153:I knew my backup generator created some noise while running though the XTBM showed this to be only .04vpp
I tested from this circuit with the Wi-Fi unit sending to another circuit and had no issues but this wasn't a good test so I set out to find something that would generate lots of noise.
With out the XTBM this would have been next to impossible however with it I found my coffee maker to be a real noise maker at one point in its brewing cycle producing .99vpp for a short period with the generator running as well.
With this info I move the Wi-Fi unit to the same outlet with the XTBM plugged into a nearby outlet(same circuit) I watched for the peek noise and sent a On command from the App.
Even in a very high noisy situation the command made it to a near by light.It is possible I missed the peek noise when sending (I find it hard to believe a signal got threw that) so I'll run this test again using a RF remote a few more times.