-smile- I do have a 'real' dog... but she's in her shady spot during the summer. If car enters driveway 60' away, she barks but I cannot
hear her in the house...it's brick and deadens sound from outside. When the lawnmower man comes, I always bring her in, knowing how
mowers can throw rocks and such. However, 2 weeks ago....I did not hear the man arrive and he had mown half the lawn before I knew he was there. That is when I decided to install the Driveway Alert hose and utilize the Lamp Module & Robodog.
Most folks have great hearing, but I do not. With the 2 second Alert in the living room, it is heard clearly...while in the room. But, around the corner into the
kitchen or the Laundry room... I was unable to hear the 2 second tone... Thus, Robodog came into mind. I can hear Robodog down the hallway because he barks
for a longer period of time. I can SEE the lamp in the dinette when it lights, even if I were to miss Robo and and the driveway Alert.
It's tough being hearing impaired, but that's life...-smile-
The TEST button does trigger Robodog for 10 seconds and the light for 60 seconds. Went out today & on return when entering house, light was
on for it's designated time. As soon as someone enters my driveway, I'll be able to verify that Robodog is indeed barking...
You'd be surprised
at what a wonderful feeling it is 'knowing' what's going on outside & who might be there. This Springtime, two 'uninvited' logging
men stopped by and thought no one was home, looked in windows, etc., and were coming around the back of the house when I just happened
to be outside and 'met' them...a surprise, for both. I'm sure they meant no harm, but it was alarming to me. Simple security is great!
Thank you all for your kind input. Frances