Today I found there was no hot water when I went to wash my hands. A quick check confirmed the hot water heater was fine, so something else was wrong.
Over a decade ago I set up a hot water recirculation loop to provide almost instant hot water at all faucets. The pump is controlled by an X10 lamp module that is switched on for about a minute every 15 minutes throughout the day to purge the lines. The pump worked fine when plugged directly into the outlet, so I suspected that the lamp module might have failed. Since we were getting ready to watch a movie, I planned to take care of it later.
Then the lights, equipment rack, and subwoofers would not respond to X10 commands. A quick check with my XTBM showed the noise level was .17Vpp at 120-124KHz, more than enough to block X10 operation. I plugged my prototype XTB-ANR into that outlet, and then the X10 modules responded to commands.
After the movie it only took a few minutes to track the strongest noise to the breaker panel. The only devices there are several old transformer style power modules and the PSC05 for the Rain8. I unplugged the PSC05, and noise level dropped to .01Vpp. Then I plugged the PSC05 back in with the Rain8 cable disconnected, and the noise level jumped back up. I swapped in a spare TW523, and everything is working again.
I took the bad PSC05 down to my workbench, and it pegs the XTBM noise reading when both are plugged into the same power strip. Obviously something in the PSC05 failed.