Maybe at this stage it would be worth someone's while sacrificing a unit to hack and see exactly what's going on under the hood.
With the latest announcement of additional trade tariffs it might be worth the owner identifying an alternative manufacturing location. As if he hasn't got enough to worry about. Or possibly walk away and cut his losses.
At this stage, it looks pretty clear to me that this product will never be what Authinx had hoped (and paid) for, and it doesn't look like the overseas developer/manufacturer has any desire to make good on their contract (and the cost of trying to force them too is probably not worth it, either). I think they should either stop selling it immediately, or change the specs to reflect what it can *actually* do (and probably lower the price), and at least try to recoup some of their investment. Given that there are customers who paid for a product that can't meet it's advertized functions, Authinx might also start to face pushback from customers who want to return their unit for a refund, too.
With all that said, if there are members of the community who think they could reverse-engineer the design, it woulndn't hurt Authinx to offer them free units to play with (probably singing an agreement to share everything with Authinx, and not with anyone else - at least initially).
Alternatively, given the combined brainpower this community has - and given all the work already done with the Raspberry Pi (and others), maybe a simpler interface really *is* a better solution - one that is set up to pop in a Pi Zero (bonus points if it can take a larger-format Pi, too).
Just my thoughts.