I have TWO email writing programs, mine & yours... I did NOT update yours - it is identical to what you sent me, using the obsolete
Program.AddInputField("Email.Recipients", "", "Comma separated list of recipients e-mails that will get a test e-mail");
Program.AddInputField("Email.Message", "HomeGenie Notification.", "E-mail message");
Program.AddInputField("Email.Subject", "HomeGenie Alert Warning", "E-mail subject");
var subject = Program.InputField("Email.Subject").Value;
var recipients = Program.InputField("Email.Recipients").Value;
var messageText = Program.InputField("Email.Message").Value;
I think this is why you get the error when compiling but it seems to still work.
I DID update mine to the new commands for above
Program.AddOption("Sensor", "garage", "Sensors to alert on (comma separated)", "text")
Program.AddOption("Email.Recipients", "a@a.com", "Email recipients", "text")
var recipients = Program.Option("Email.Recipients").Value