I wasn't able to find the "Modify Profile" option??
Ham radio is a lot different now. For one thing, you don't need to know morse code. I learned it 60 years ago and did do some CW operating back then, but then dropped it when I got into high school. It did inspire me to seek a BSEE and I had a 35 year career in microwave and millimeter-wave development and production of military radar systems. Today, much of the ham radio hobby is using digital communication modes keyboard to keyboard.
I put sockets in my back up new-in-the-original-box Stargate so I could replace the PS2505 photo couplers if I ever have to. I lost some on the board I'm using now. I've never had a problem with the serial ports.
In the last few weeks, I have integrated HomeSeer and Alexa devices ( I have about 12 of them around the house including cell phones) so no matter where I am, I can control things. It's scary.
It's beer time