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Author Topic: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly  (Read 224079 times)

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My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« on: April 24, 2005, 11:03:06 AM »

Those who have a CM15A doing the job they
bought it for or “feel they want to claim
such or just want to provide a testimonial
PLEASE ALSO PROVIDE the particulars that you
did to help make it reliable and fully
functional to your needs.  For example: I
managed to overcome the lack of a hardware
Master reset by:
Courtesy of  “One who is warching”
1.   Disconnect from USB
2.   Unplug from wall
3.   Remove the batteries
4.   Face due North NorthWest and thump
your chest 5 times waiting for 5 seconds
between thumps (sometimes overnight helps –
or not).
5.   Now reconnect to USB,
6.   Plug back into wall,
7.   Reinstall the batteries
8.   Reinstall AHP or drivers as may be
required …
Wow is this technical or what?


I managed to overcome the “varying RF range”
problem by buying a bunch of TM751’s and
when they created some “PLC race condition”
I simply bought some TM503’s to replace them.


I overcame the skipped macro execution by
simply abandoning those macros.

Please lets keep I civil no personal attacks
or criticism.
Only concept and functional aspects are on
the table for critique and analysis.


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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2005, 02:05:36 PM »


1.  I overcame your 8 step reset by using
Active Home Professional software and
selecting TOOLS, Clear Interface Memory.
That worked for me.

2.  I have not had to purchase any external
products (yet) to enhance RF range (in house
works fine) but I do intend on modifying the
unit this week by adding an external antenna
decoupled from the CM15A by a coax cable.
The intent here is to extend range around the
exterior of the home.

3.  I have not had to abandon any macros
(yet) due to "skipping".  I did have to
modify (correct) a macro due to "user" stupidity.

The only problem I have now is the units lack
of robustness (processing ability) when it
comes to multiple RF receptions within
seconds of each other and the status report
not generating a correct report.

Now that I have said that, I bet something
will happen with the unit to change my entire


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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2005, 02:09:04 PM »

My system is now operating satisfactorily; I
have replaced the X10 AHP/CM15A with 1132CUP
and V572AB and discarded the TM751’s.
Thanks X10 Company.  Your product
performance, service, and attitude helped me
decide.  Life is good again!

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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2005, 02:36:13 PM »

Steve RF:

You really should be more careful with the
personal pronouns the 8 step is not mine it
is X10’s, yours, and quite a few other forum
participants.  I have seen many such
references on this forum.  Furthermore the
Tools>Clear does not do a full
hardware “Master Reset” so although it was a
creative answer it lacks accuracy.

External is a slight of word since other X10
products that assist, I assume under your
definition, are not “external”  --- racing
towards flawed analysis . . .

Can’t argue there. . .  However one mistake
only?  Bit stingy on the coming clean.
Remember I’ve been reading some of the forum
threads.  Macro rewrite/modification is not
abandonment as you see it . . .  We are now
approaching intellectual turpitude…

Ah here is the plausible deniability some
evil mystical thing is holding back this
perfect device from achieving its ultimate

Follows the ultimate cope out.  If things
prove out to be otherwise, well then its not
flawed analysis or poor judgment it’s this
external thing called chance, fate, etc.

Are you a fiction writer by trade?


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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2005, 02:59:34 PM »

OH, I forgot to add:
My second CM15A has been working well,
performing audible announcements throughout
the day by using the X10Dispatch program.  It
catches PL Commands and translates them into
voice announments of selected events
throughout the day and evening.  I can tell
if the "working" CM15A maintains the correct
time by hearing a couple of announcements
that are based on AHP timers.  Since 7 Mar
almost all events have been executed on
schedule and to the minute.
X10Dispatch is a neat little program and it's
use helps me keep an eye on the "working"
CM15A.  It added a bit more fun to the CM15A

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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2005, 07:05:04 PM »

Has anyone else noticed the pattern?  Every
time someone provides objective analysis
pointing out some deficiencies in
AHP/CM15A.  Up jumps SteveRF with a
testimonial and an insult trying to defuse
the issue?  


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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2005, 07:45:17 PM »

Your personal attacks are not appreciated.
Your objective analysis is quoted below...
Something about facing north and thumping a
chest is not, in my opinion, very objective.
My remarks are the way I see it and the way
my CM15A is working.  Apparently you have
been so unhappy that you replaced your CM15A
and are now a happy camper with a competitors
product.  I am happy for you... enjoy !

Helpful Hints said:
1.   Disconnect from USB
2.   Unplug from wall
3.   Remove the batteries
4.   Face due North NorthWest and thump
your chest 5 times waiting for 5 seconds
between thumps (sometimes overnight helps –
or not).  


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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2005, 07:49:42 PM »

CM15A release batch 05C10 can't be the good
one Steve RF says that his flawless CM15A is
a non incrementing "serial number 04J44"
(must be a batch or release number). Isn't
that an earlier version?  Could someone
explain please?  Can we request a certain
release number when we order?


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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2005, 08:02:39 PM »

Steve..... I bought a CM15A in January. To
this day I can't get it to work correctly
after disconnecting it from the computer.
After an hour or so, it looses the times
when the units should work...... leading to
nothing working at all!!!!  I've tried
everything I've found on this site....
still it doesn't work!!! I finally had to
go back to my CP290 to get everything to
work correctly (AND ON TIME to the minute).
Basically X10 screwed me and others too,for
$50.00..... Steve, you might have one thats
works great, but if you look around!!!!!
you will notice many others that have
CM15's that don't.... So, there must be
something to this....


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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2005, 08:08:13 PM »

Oh, by the way..... I have been a
electronic tech for 30 years and I do have
experience on computers....... The CM15A
from X10 is a failure!! I truly believe X10
knew about the problems with the CM15A
before they ever started selling them.


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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2005, 08:09:06 PM »

Both the original and the diag unit have the
number 04J44... The diag unit has a sticker
4Mar.  I have never called my CM15A flawless
as you suggested. It does, in fact, work
exactly as I have reported.  That can change,
but as of this writing, it IS a fact !


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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2005, 08:14:45 PM »

Scotty,  I really do agree with you.
My first unit was a dismal failure... I still
have it but it functions as a X10Dispatch
unit only. It does a good job at that.. It
cannot run the modules, timers..etc.. I
didn't lose time like so many reported but
mine would just stop, start, was unreliable
etc .. Then the diag unit came and with the
exception of a couple of minor glitches and
updates, it has worked fairly well 24/7 since
7 Mar.  I complained every day until they
swapped it out.  It may quit tomorrow so I am
not 100% convinced and I know of many
shortcomings.  So, bottom line:  I do agree
..It is flawed !

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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2005, 08:15:19 PM »

SteveRf:  Don't flatter yourself, there are
no personal or of any other kind
of “attacks”.   All that I and others are
pointing out are the incongruities in logic
and feasibility in what you publish on this
forum.  Please, step back, be objective, and


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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2005, 08:21:52 PM »

SteveRF:  What is the batch number of the
CM15A which you claim is working falwlessly
to your requirements if not the "04J44"?


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Re: My CM15A/AHP is working flawlessly
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2005, 08:51:19 PM »

Both units have the sticker "04J44".
The diag unit has an additional sticker
"4Mar".  Both have the same FCC ID numbers.
The only one that works "OK" with a program
loaded is the diag unit.
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