The ninja base that pans and tilt works fine
of mine, cough, cough, I have make a few
adjustments, first, it supports any camera,
the base is independent of whatever camera
you use, hardwired camera's give you better
picture, I put small peace of plywood on top
of ninja base, have 2 camers's mounted on
it, one Day/Night camera, which picture at
night is not as clear as it should be, so I
got another camera, a 2had.htm black & white Infrared camera for
night time viewing, use Day/night camera
during day for color and other for night, I
use a RCA Y splitter going to distrubtion
amplifier to choose which camera picture I
see, turn one off, the other on, support,
what support, yes I have the Pan & tilt Pro,
which picture from cam Sxxxx, hehe, net
meeting, what a crock, I just use it to
control ninja base, does not need batters,
so far it works, their support needs support