I would just like X-10 to produce some modules to perform jobs so I don't have to find a work around. It is fun to create a personalized module to perform some functions, but I also consider that I am not the only person that wants this certain feature to work, or do not have the time to customize every module to get it work the way I want it to. I also find it discouraging when I create or follow a schematic to do a function, and the procedure is so complicated that you almost have to a rocket scientest, or the final device is so bulky that it is a nuisance. Especially, when other products from competitors and standards can deliver the module fo ra little more than time and money on creating a custom mod, and the device is the size of a 9-volt battery.
It is easy to miss your point because there is nothing specific. What are you talking about?
Consider the Thermostat set-back controller (TH2807), this device works on a thermostat which I have only seen in use at my grandparents house built in the 1960's, my recently purchased new construction house came with a mercury switched thermostat, but is was rectangular in shape, and many new houses come with programmable thermostats. The X-10 TH2807 would not work with newer construstion.
Thats pretty weird. Since the TH2708 is nothing more than a heat source mounted directly below your existing HVAC thermostat, it should work universally.
Can you be more specific when you say:
"create a personalized module to perform some functions"
In "X10 speak" a "module" usually means; appliance module, lamp module, etc.
Are you calling event programming in AHP a "module"?
"X-10 needs to create more reliable and versitile modules which can be used for home automation, without having to go to another manufacturer for parts and then trying to adapt them to work with X-10"
I dunno if I get your drift, but it sounds similar to asking Firestone to make one tire which will "fit" every car on the road.
Setting aside the "output" modules that are used to control lights and appliances, X10 interfaces "inputs" reasonably well with the outside world via the "Power Flash" module and can provide contact closure outputs with the Universal" module. Yes, if you wanted to monitor eight different outputs from a widget and interface to X10, you would need eight "Power Flashes" which would get pretty bulky. However other mmanufacturersmake multiple input and output X10 interfaces which can be used instead (and that may be your point).
Maybe X10 (not the company, but rather the system) CAN do what you want. If you can give some examples, I bet one of the brains frequenting this forum can help.