Thanks so much for getting this thread "rolling".
While I enjoy posting "
possibly interesting"
threads on all the forums I visit, I do abstain from replying to them *UNTIL* a good portion of the
'Active' populace responds with THEIR opinions.
The point I'm attempting to make here follows the Signature Line that I use on most of the forums I visit:
Low Post Count != Low Knowledge - High Post Count != High Knowledge
Just because I'm NEW here, doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. For example,
JeffVolp just recently joined the Forum, currently has 3 posts to-date, and only *ONE*
Helpful Vote (FROM *ME*!
). *ANYONE* who reads Jeff's posts should IMMEDIATELY acknowledge them as
Helpful (just SEARCH Group:comp.home.automation for more proof), but, it seems, no one bothers.
*BUT*, if someone UPSETS one of the "Self-Proclaimed EXPERTS" here,
WATCH OUT!!! I've only been here a couple of weeks, but, I've read many of
-Bill- (of BXVC)'s 82 Posts - *WHY* was I the FIRST person to accredit him with a
Helpful Vote?!?
Totally unfair to Bill for his contributions.
People who need help generally won't click either one, unless you actually solved their problem (and frequently not even then).
ABSOLUTELY! In fact, IMO, the folks that gain the most benefits are the LURKERS / GUESTS that *NEVER* register.
...People who disagree with you (with or without good reason) or who just plain don't like you (also with or without good reason) will click "Not Helpful" just out of spite.
And, why not? There's no audit trail / association back to who-did-what... :digust: (couldn't find the smilie)
...Also, the rating should apply to a specific post. I mean even if a particular user is often full of (you know) it doesn't mean that the post you are veiwing has no merit. For all you know it is the only time the guy was right on-the-mark!
If you'd like to see a properly implemented VOTING system, IMO, visit FatWallet:
SOLD OUT!!! - X-10/RCA Activehome & RemoteControl Kits $10 . IIRC, you'll need JavaScript enabled (I have to "Bypass" Proxomiton if I want to see the VOTES), but you can see WHO voted + or - for EXACTLY which post.
...It may not be possible as X10 didn't write this forum software, but if they can, I think they should disable the rating system except as it applies to specific messages / solutions X10 posts that they would like feedback on.
Again, I refer everyone to the FatWallet implementation...
...Just from observation, if a post is truely useless there are plenty of people ready and willing to FLAME about it and thus discourage others from taking it as gospel, and if it's absolutely dangerous you can always inform the moderator.
*AND*, IMO, if a post is indeed worthy of a
Not Helpful Vote, it CERTAINLY should also be worthly of a TEXT REPLY from the Voter, explaining WHY! :digust: (again, couldn't find the smilie)
...Again, just my opinion. It might even be worth the electron's it took to bring it to you.
Or not.
Healthy discussion is GOOD!