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Author Topic: Updated msvcr71.dll From MS Fixes AHP Under Windows XP Randomly Closing..YaaaYYY!  (Read 29742 times)


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I had prob with AHP program closing whn i clicked a menu relating to video and macro parts of the program it also closed on ocassion when i loged in remotely
i clicked the "for more information on this error click here" and it came up the msvcr71.dll file was the culprit I downloaded the newer version 7.10.3052.4 from then rebooted into safe mode copied the file to c:\windows\system32
it overwrote the older version I have been running for 5 days stable now not sure what its all about but it worked for me knock on wood
I also have put a shortcut to my AHP file in my startup folder so the program launches on startup I get a notice the usb interface is not connected but once the computer fully boots the usb kicks in and the notice goes far so good

So if your running XP check that you have the latest ver of that file it might halp if your having issues


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Good First Post! others have posted this problem but were unable to find a fix I'm adding a link to this  to My "Having problems? Please read first thread"  perhaps this will spur others to dig deeper as well! ;) :D
« Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 07:42:28 PM by Tuicemen »
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I would love to share your enthusiasm, but I cannot.  I still have the msvcr71.dll error and I have the newest version.  I can replicate my error any time, though.  I get the error when I set up my Sentinel camera as a Sentinel camera  and then open up My House online and try to use the camera remotely.  I switch it to a Vangaard configuration and all is well.  I was hoping tonight's update of MyHouse Online to version 3.206 would solve the issue, but it did not.


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just reporting back my version is still running stable try overwriting the one you have although it may be the newest ver. the dll you have may be corrupt
it's worth a shot


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I would love to share your enthusiasm, but I cannot.  I still have the msvcr71.dll error and I have the newest version.  I can replicate my error any time, though.  I get the error when I set up my Sentinel camera as a Sentinel camera  and then open up My House online and try to use the camera remotely.  I switch it to a Vangaard configuration and all is well.  I was hoping tonight's update of MyHouse Online to version 3.206 would solve the issue, but it did not.
Since the Sentinel camera  is a new device from X10 It may be a while for that to be worked out !
"Did you report the error in the ver3.206 thread? You must be beta testing as curent public version is 3.204"
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Charles Sullivan

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I would love to share your enthusiasm, but I cannot.  I still have the msvcr71.dll error and I have the newest version.  I can replicate my error any time, though.  I get the error when I set up my Sentinel camera as a Sentinel camera  and then open up My House online and try to use the camera remotely.  I switch it to a Vangaard configuration and all is well.  I was hoping tonight's update of MyHouse Online to version 3.206 would solve the issue, but it did not.
Since the Sentinel camera  is a new device from X10 It may be a while for that to be worked out !
"Did you report the error in the ver3.206 thread? You must be beta testing as curent public version is 3.204"

Purchasers of the OnAlert plug-in have reported that the AHP version number is updated to 3.206 when they install the plug-in software.  I suppose there may be something in that version for other plug-ins also.

(Edited to unquote my comment.)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 10:49:37 PM by Charles Sullivan »
Yesterday it worked.
Today it doesn't work.
X10 on Windows is like that.

HEYU - X10 Automation for Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X


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The 3.206 version includes the On Alert plugin.  They have also improved the PTZ functions from what I can tell.  It is not perfect, but it is a needed improvement!


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Here is an update after running stable for a couple of months AHP started acting up again with more modules and sensors added onto the system it started to crash on ftp images and playing a sound file I run this system in my retirement home that I'am not going to be occupying for about another year so i have to depend on it to function to monitor my remote property

for the last month I have been running another program on the PC that monitors AHP and recovers it from a crash or general protection error
maybe this can help you ppl as well

the program is called watch dog o matic and seems to do as it says

maybe the developers of AHP should consider writing a utility into a future upgrade of AHP it would help alot of frustrated users

remote dude

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   I had a stable AHPro up and running for weeks and then without warning it wouldn't start. I got AHP.dll as the faulting module in the XP log, but when I ran depends and profiled it I got a whole series of kernel problems related to MSVCR71.dll. Getting lucky, I did a search on this forum and saw issues with this file. I Downloaded it from the link . . . (the same version as I had already installed!) . . . changed the name of the old dll and replaced it with the new download. Now everything works again!

   QUESTION------ Does anyone know why this happens??

    Anyway THANKS for the HELP!!  ::)     ::)
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