I too have not seen a newbies request for help go unanswered!
The biggest problem I have is the lack of information which one supplies when asking for help!
I hate to ask 20 questions before I can supply some type of an answer!
I'd rather read 20 lines of info first!

The more infomation one supplies the quicker the correction can be found!
Rev: I understand your frustration as we were all there at one point!
Since I see your having problems with a camera setup check:
x10knowledge base and look for your cam!
also check the camera section in the forums here as well as do an
Advanced Search for the software your having problems with!
KDR stated:
In many cases "The Old Guys" as you called them will change and alter their own setups or add to it just to test things and help resolve or create a solution for your problems. In fact there are times they will go out and buy a module just to test it if they don't own one.]In many cases "The Old Guys" as you called them will change and alter their own setups or add to it just to test things and help resolve or create a solution for your problems. In fact there are times they will go out and buy a module just to test it if they don't own one.
They also have been known to go out a purchase software/plug-ins they don't need just to help!
As one of "The OLD GUYS" (am I really

) it takes some time to get a feel for the way one posts.
Please take the time to get to know us!!It also takes time to understand the way the forum is setup!
Please be assured no matter how it first appears
we are All here to help!(or be helped)
some of us can't be helped!