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Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...

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Author Topic: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...  (Read 91873 times)


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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2006, 01:21:01 AM »

Welcome aboard jkarney, it's good here from someone else who searched, read, learned and became a member:)


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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #46 on: December 01, 2006, 09:12:47 AM »

Welcome aboard!
It's always nice to hear from the ones that found the posts here Helpful   ;) :D ;D
Why not get a Yahoo Id and sit in on a Chat some night
You'll pick up on some cool tips most likely! ;) :D ;D
For more info see:
Topic: STOP Watching Paint Dry / Grass Grow & JOIN TTA's "Community" Chat Today!  (Read 909 times)
note: you don't have to volunteer any time!
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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #47 on: December 01, 2006, 09:04:45 PM »


Matter of fact I got a Yahoo ID last night after reading the thread Topic: STOP Watching Paint Dry / Grass Grow & JOIN TTA's "Community" Chat Today! 
I plan on sitting in on the chat. I look forward to volunteering and provide some support to some of those basic questions that seem to stream in over and over and over. I check the forum everynight but for now I'm going to leave the more technical stuff to you guys. I currently feel I have mastered the X10 basic's. I've been working in power plants for over 16 years working as an operator, mechanic and for the past 5 year as the Operations and Maintenance Supervisor. During these years I have been exposed to PLC programming and many other process controls. So when I gain more knowledge of X10 & AHP you will see me chime in more and more. I'm one who really hates to pass on bad information.  I like to know if I'm going to post it's going to be useful.

By the way; I know this comment belongs in another thread but I also sent an request in to establish a homeautomation chat room.

Glad to be aboard



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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #48 on: December 02, 2006, 12:55:10 AM »

.... I look forward to volunteering and provide some support to some of those basic questions that seem to stream in over and over and over. I check the forum everynight but for now I'm going to leave the more technical stuff to you guys. I currently feel I have mastered the X10 basic's. I've been working in power plants for over 16 years working as an operator, mechanic and for the past 5 year as the Operations and Maintenance Supervisor. During these years I have been exposed to PLC programming and many other process controls. So when I gain more knowledge of X10 & AHP you will see me chime in more and more. I'm one who really hates to pass on bad information.  I like to know if I'm going to post it's going to be useful...

...By the way; I know this comment belongs in another thread but...

Low Post Count != Low Knowledge - High Post Count != High Knowledge ;)



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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #49 on: December 02, 2006, 01:10:37 AM »

Welcome aboard!
It's always nice to hear from the ones that found the posts here Helpful   ;) :D ;D
Why not get a Yahoo Id and sit in on a Chat some night
You'll pick up on some cool tips most likely! ;) :D ;D
For more info see:Topic: STOP Watching Paint Dry / Grass Grow & JOIN TTA's "Community" Chat Today!  (Read 909 times)
note: you don't have to volunteer any time!

Tuicemen, I'm now *FINALLY* convinced!

In your " previous life ", you *DEFINITELY* worked for Western Union!!! (~50 years ago) :D

jkarney: ---STOP---
Welcome aboard! ---STOP---
It's always nice to hear from the ones that found the posts here Helpful   ;) :D ;D ---STOP---
Why not get a Yahoo Id and sit in on a Chat some night ---STOP---
You'll pick up on some cool tips most likely! ;) :D ;D ---STOP---
For more info see:Topic: STOP Watching Paint Dry / Grass Grow & JOIN TTA's "Community" Chat Today!  (Read 909 times)   ---STOP---
note: you don't have to volunteer any time! ---STOP---
****Cheers**** ---STOP---
Low Post Count != Low Knowledge - High Post Count != High Knowledge ;)



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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #50 on: December 02, 2006, 10:05:14 AM »

Thanks TTA! ;) :D ;D

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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #51 on: December 15, 2006, 10:36:01 PM »

I have to tell ya, Ive been on 15 - 17 minutes and I joined, but they way a newbie is treated not sure if forum is good or not. You got people descriminating against someone who may have just spent 3 days trying to hook up a camera, and you think he /she should not get help because they have not studied. I can tell you I have read every piece of papaer that came with my cameras, and after three days finally have one in a PIP screen on the TV. which is not where I want to end up with it. I want it on my pc, three days of non study and no time on the forum makes me an outcast,
Frankly I just found out about this forum today, but I think I'm outta here with the remarks made by the old guys who have it all figured out and won't help someone.I found this whole line of discussion disgusting and the moderator should have stepped in long ago and stopped the thread. Frankly Mr Moderator I don'r care what you do with my membership.


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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #52 on: December 15, 2006, 10:59:49 PM »

Frankly I just found out about this forum today, but I think I'm outta here with the remarks made by the old guys who have it all figured out and won't help someone.

Rev: I have not seen anyones question go unanswered, or at least unaddressed. Nobody is ignored.

There is a ton of information about most all common problems on this board and can be found using the search engine. Threads like this are to bring awareness to this fact. It helps members be able to help people with new questions better when they have done some searching and reading and state what they tried. Everyone here who regularly answers questions are volunteers... they do it to help share their knowledge... no other reason.

I found this whole line of discussion disgusting and the moderator should have stepped in long ago and stopped the thread.

You found this thread.... was it from a search?


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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #53 on: December 16, 2006, 06:27:26 AM »

Rev: I have to agree with Puck about the wealth of information on these boards. I would also like to add that when someone has a problem, does some searching and doesn't find what they are looking for it may be because you are new to X10 and don't know what to search for exactly. We try to help new members by telling them how and what to search for. That helps you learn and understand how to search these boards.

If you can't find the answer to your problems someone will reply and try to help or direct you to where the answer can be found. In many cases "The Old Guys" as you called them will change and alter their own setups or add to it just to test things and help resolve or create a solution for your problems. In fact there are times they will go out and buy a module just to test it if they don't own one.

So welcome to the boards and if you are having a problem and can't find the answers feel free to start a new thread and ask away.
Note: "Guests" may read the X10 forum , but you must register to post!

When I'm online you can find me in the Home Automation Chat Room!


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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #54 on: December 16, 2006, 11:58:01 AM »

I too have not seen a newbies request for help go unanswered!
The biggest problem I have is  the lack of information which one supplies when asking for help!
I hate to ask 20 questions before I can supply some type of an answer!
I'd rather read 20 lines of info  first! ;) :D ;D
The more infomation one supplies the quicker the correction can be found!

Rev: I understand your frustration as we were all there at one point!
Since I see your having problems with a camera setup check:
x10knowledge base and look for your cam!
also check the camera section in the forums here as well as do an Advanced Search for the software your having problems with!
As KDR stated:
In many cases "The Old Guys" as you called them will change and alter their own setups or add to it just to test things and help resolve or create a solution for your problems. In fact there are times they will go out and buy a module just to test it if they don't own one.]In many cases "The Old Guys" as you called them will change and alter their own setups or add to it just to test things and help resolve or create a solution for your problems. In fact there are times they will go out and buy a module just to test it if they don't own one.
They also have been known to go out a purchase software/plug-ins they don't need just to help!
As one of "The OLD GUYS" (am I really ::) ) it takes some time to get a feel for the way one posts. Please take the time to get to know us!!
It also takes time to understand the way the forum is setup!
Please be assured no matter how it first appears
we are All here to help!(or be helped)
;) :D ;D

 :D ;)some of us can't be helped! ;) :D
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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #55 on: December 16, 2006, 03:08:48 PM »

Hello everyone I am A newbie to this forum so I thought I could shed some light on this so here goes. I came to the forum and spent alot of time reading and searching before i even signed up to be a member. I wanted to see if the info here was good and what kind of people hung out here before I spent the time to become a member. If it was full of people that were hateful and not helpful I didn't want to be a member. Lucky i found people like pluck, bill and T that helped me through e mail I didn't even have to post. then I became a member.sometimes the amount of info on here can be so much your brain is broke down before you find the help you need. I do think everyone should try to help themself first but I also think we all should be helpful thats why we become a part of the forum to help each other. If we don't help others then what makes us any differant from the newbies. when it came to flags i just could not find the info i need because i did not know what a flag was used for until i e mailed a member that broke it down to me and i am thankful to that member and they know who they are. In closing a newbie will not become a member to anything when they feel they are not wanted. everyone likes to be wanted anywhere they go in life. if a vote is needed lets vote about the ones that only come on here to complain and cry it only makes more info for a new person to have to look through and the Truth is the crying is of no good to anyone. I think it should all be removed from the forum to make room for post that are of some real use!!!


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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #56 on: December 16, 2006, 04:48:29 PM »

david3336  I have to agree the post which just bash or whine & complain are of no help to anyone!
BUT I also believe that deleting them isn't the answer!
I've responded to many bashing threads only to be thanked later on for helping!
Most of the crying Bashing posts com out of weeks of frustration!
Deleting the threads just confirms what they were thinking "X10 doesn't give a Dam!" and that every one on here works for them!
What would be nice is a section where these posts could be moved to. Where everyone could still read them if they wished but they would know before hand that it was just ratting! That way the impression that posts on here were censored by X10 could be avoided altogether!
It is a shame that many of the complainers have such a good way with words !  ::)The titles sometimes draw one in! ;) :D ;D
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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #57 on: December 16, 2006, 05:31:09 PM »

T you are so right I never thought about it that way but they should be moved so they are in a place where you can choose to read them and dont have to read through them to find what you need.


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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #58 on: December 21, 2006, 10:51:26 AM »

Sounds like you all agree that each post should be handled on a case by case basis based on the information and effort the poster appears to put forth.  I agree, but would just like to add that I am a moderator on a car forum, it's a fairly busy forum and we get our share of newbies asking the same question over and over again.   Questions that could have been answered by checking our FAQ/Howto, stickies, or searching.  I personally can't stand when the only reply they get is a link to the search function or a smart ass remark to go use the search.  While it can be frustrating I always try to politely link them to the proper thread or FAQ/Howto with an explanation of where these are located and how to use them along with requesting that they check these area's first before posting.  Most of them are coming for help and are frustrated already, stonewalling them only serves to further frustrate them an produce an unfriendly environment for everyone.  We also have to keep in mind that not everyone is familiarly with online forums, and they don't know what stickies or FAQ/Howto's are or where they are located.


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Re: Should Newbies That Invest No Time What-So-Ever SEARCHing The Forums...
« Reply #59 on: January 16, 2007, 12:49:54 AM »

I am a newbie and sometimes when reading the posts i get more confused with the jumping back and forth what i think would be could is if someone would come up with a post area in which only the pros could post the answers or the solutions that work with as much information including screen shots and detailed step by step instructions on it as if explaining how to do something for a child. This area would be only for posts of known to work solutions to problems that have been asked in other posts almost like a frequently asked questions area with the detail on how to solve a problem and then if a newbie or anyone can not find the answer in any of the posts from this area then they can go to one of the other areas and then post there question or what they need. Possibly maybe a web page could be made that only the pros can access and then put the answers there and then if the answer is not on that web page then come to the forum and ask the questions. If some one asks a question that there is already an answer for then all that is needed is post the link to the answer or if there is not an answer but one is discovered then it can be added to the other page. Once i learn the system i will be willing to share my ansewers or solutions for who ever needs it and as often as it is needed. ;D ;D ;D :o :D ;) :) :-X ::)
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