Since X10 has now appointed a non employee to do administrator stuff, abusers will be dealt with much swifter!
Spammers Are not tolerated here, want to Advertise\sell something go to e-bay!
Violators of forum rules and or the above mentioned (General Forum Etiquette) will be dealt with swiftly!
This is a fun place full of valueable info with great members!
If you want to feel like a member of the Cheers Gang it is up to you!
Everyone civil is welcome 
Those maintaining the forum (Expert Advisors & Community Organizers) have decided!
Obvious Spammers get banned fully first offence!
Other violators will see a 1,2,3 strike your out!- Strike One: 1 week ban from posting Plus post rating reset to -5
- Strike Two: 1 month full ban Plus post rating of -10 added giving one a possible -15 rating
- Strike Three: full ban no returning
Note: If you have been warned for a violation or banned previously consider that a free warning (not strike 1)!
Also ignoring Community Organizers PMs about a concern with one of your posts may lead to strike one! ( the PM is a good faith gesture and isn't required)
The Community has a good set of Bouncers, please don't put them to work!
Update: For banned user which choose to return to actively contributing to the community please note!
strike 2 you will also have limited forum privileges for a probation period. (Exactly what privileges you'll lose and for how long will be decided by the COs and EAs!)
Over the past year this forum has been hit hard with spammers and spam bots.
The COs and EAs have fought hard to keep this under control!
This forum is not alone, many forums have banned together to help fight spam.
In doing so Many rather large data base have been developed.
As a Warning to anyone thinking they'll get back at X10:
Spammers will not be tolerated.
Anyone caught spamming this forum will not only be banned but their User name, Email & IPs will be added to several spam data bases used around the globe.With this done it will prevent you from registering on any forum capable of accessing these data bases during login.
Although X10 hosts this forum, it is You the members that make it work!
Let's keep it enjoyable to visit!