There are a few things that come to mind, but the top three for me right now are:
1. Allowing Disarming via macro, timer, myhouse, etc... This has been written about extensively so I won't go into it.
2. Releasing a client/server package for myhouse. Permitting users with the myhouse plugin to access their own systems from a client package (preferably a 1 file executable not requiring installation, or completely web based interface offered from the server), to their own server package (bypassing the AHP/X10 servers) which could either be intergrated with AHP / MyHouse, or a more secure alternative would be a separate "in-between" gateway software package offering more security (users, passwords, Access Denial, Black List IPs, etc). It would be beneficial to only have to open one port in a router. A web interface might solve this issue entirely. You could even offer secure encrypted https service for clients from countries which qualify. Rather than eliminate the AHP/X10 servers, which many people might like since it offers at least the notion of additional security, I'm sure some individuals would rather access their own systems directly. This could easily be an either or solution. Both part of the standard package. The user simply would implement the connection method they desire.
3. Creating a more complex and user definable set of variables for the lifestyle mode.
A. Allow the user to pick which appliances/modules will be monitored and used in lifestyle mode.
B. Let the user pick if lifestyle mode will be based on yesterday's activity (like it is now), or either seasonal, weekly or daily averages with min/max variations. Let me explain each:
Seasonal: IF the user selected seasonal, AHP would collect statistics on the time of use and duration of every selected module. Able to generate a "bell curve" for each time of activation and duration by season, AHP could simulate activity with daily and seasonal variances.
Weekly: This is the same as above, except that AHP would gather stats on each occurrence of each selected module on a weekly basis. So week 1 of year 1 would be combined with week 1 of year 2, etc.
Daily: This is the same as the previous two except that the stats would be gathered and compared on a day of the week basis. All the Mondays would be clumped together to simulate a typical Monday and so on.
If AHP wants to get real fancy with this, they could offer combinations of Daily and Seasonal (Providing day of the week variations by season...) or Daily and Weekly (producing 365 different sets of stats for each occurrence and duration of every module - obviously this would get big...).
In theory, this isn't really a complicated project, high school statistics really...But it is a significant improvement on the current lifestyle mode which is basically lip service.. just enough to say AHP can do it, but not enough to be effective as a security option.
I have a few more ideas, I'll type them up when I have time. These are the three biggest ones that irk me the most right now.