I think 6 can lights are a lot per dimmer switch......
even if you over-look the wattage limits.... which your at the edge of, or maybe just over the edge of.
In my
home theater I have the main body of can-lights (9) on three dimmers. Even with three dimmers.... all those lights are off, or dimmed to off during the movie viewing. I found, in my theater environment the overhead lighting to be too distracting for use during the movie.
And blinding (even ON-to-dim)
after the movie.
I use low wattage indirect lighting during moving showings. I have a some ropelighting, and a neon clock, which provides plenty of "comfort & safety" lighting during the movie. I use in-cabinet and indirect lighting (also low wattage) when the movie ends.... to "bring up the house lights".
I use three separate lighting themes: A pre-movie lighting theme... during movie lighting... and after movie lighting.
Pre-movie: Two can-lights (front) near the screen, full bright. Five can-lights center, 80% dimmed. Back, overhead lighting off. Under counter (rope lights), and clock-light on.
During movie viewing: Rope lighting and clock lighting remain on. All other lights are turned off in phases via a macro activated with the "watch a movie" button on my Harmony 628 remote. I use a IR mini controller (IR543) to convert the Harmony's IR to an X10 signal. If pizza is being served, I have a 40 watt spot over a table which is manually turned on.
After the movie: I bring up the house lighting with another macro, turning on cabinet lights (low wattage and in-direct) and two spot lights that are directed to walls (movie posters). a hall (stair-way) light is also turned on.
Even though I don't use all those can-lights during show-times.... they sure come in handy for vacuuming up pop-corn, and cleaning the popper after company leaves. Although, many theater remotes can run the macro's required (mentioned above), X10's AHP (CM15A) with the software suite can sure make it easier.
I have a restroom off my theater which has a motion-detection nightlight inside. I also play the movie [being shown] in the restroom on a small TV.
I do all this (and MUCH more) with X10. Actually, I even run the pre-movie lighting set-up... by
voice command using