The Visionic products can be found at:
MCT-302 Transmitter
MCR-304 Receiver
Thank You
Getting this info from (
Jim Lipsit's Web Site)
stoney and yourself are the kinds of group effort that makes this stuff much easier.
I really like the visonic solution. I don't park in the garage myself... I'd rather have some bench space... but the wife uses it everynight. I know many X10 users don't have off-street parking available. But those sensors seem to have the range to make all conditions work.
I had originally planned that when both cars showed as gone.. the alarm would automatically set. I was able to accomplish that in macros also.
But I am learning a few things as I try this
Occupancy Sensing stuff out. Like: there are times... when I'd rather not have the auto-alarm. And times when the conditions are NOT met that I do want the alarm on. And... times when the alarm is on... I want the phone to forward calls to my cell phone (or my wife's). And times when I'd rather the answering machine picked up the calls.
I woke up this morning... writing macros in my dreams (no joke). I've decided to break security down into 3 or 4 levels. With the lowest level requiring no effort and being completely automatic. And the highest level requiring using 2 buttons on a SH624. But all levels being simple and natural in execution... with no routines to remember.
I've recently
posted some macros where I am using both flags and monitored modules to determine Occupancy. I've found it was pretty simple to use ether flag or module status as a condition or even both as an “and” condition.