The upgrade was for safety. The old panel had 4 & 5 wires wire-nutted together. Found bare wires in walls where base heaters were. No idea what went where. Etc..
There were 3 changes made.
1) New breaker panel
2) Added generator switch box.
3) Circuits that were wire-nutted together were separated & put on their own breakers.
a) The old baseboard heater circuits are on breakers that are left turned off & the bare wires capped (future use).
The XPCR was reinstalled in the new panel.
There is no transceiver near the new panel. (actually further away now).
I need to have the CM15A where I have it now for computer control and am unable to relocate the computer.
I think dave w, is right. The extra 40' seems to make the difference.
I wonder if Jeff wants to give me a XTB-11R for my wife's birthday on the 21st.
That's what I thought !
The transfer switch box.Power from the main panel to 2 - 60 Amp breakers. Phases 1 & 2
Power from the 60 Amp breakers to 4 - 20 Amp breakers.
Power from the generator to 2 - 30 Amp breakers.
Power from the generator 30 Amp breakers to the same 4 - 20 Amp breakers.
Switch box has a metal bar that prevents both the 60 Amp breakers from the main panel & the 50 Amp breakers from the generator being on at the same time.
In order to use generator power, the breaker that gets power from the main panel has to be turned off before you can turn on the breaker for the generator.