Not that this is any help but this has happened to me!

First on a XP sp3 now on my Windows 7 machine.
seems maybe a bug was introduced back about 3.293 as thats when it happened on my XP machine.
as this machine was a old system I figured part of the problem was a dirty system as I had used it for debuging and trial software.
Now with this latest Windows 7 issues it is even stranger as a system restore even fails to fix the issue.
I reinstalled windows XP on the test machine after backing every thing up (man what a job)
reinstalled AHP and every thing was up and running then I tried to load a old AHX file and the system crashed/hung stopped AHP using task manager as you did and AHP wouldn't load reports the "Error getting x10 net interface" message.
I figured with a new system a restore would work, Wrong! never did have much faith in that!
So I reloaded windows again and followed the same routine setting up AHP then clicking on open file and choosing my AHX back up. Wham lock up again. I'm not sure if it is the open file option in AHP or a corrupt AHX file maybe both.
I reloaded XP again (seemed to be the fastest way to get backup and running) this time I didn't use the Backup AHX file but a different one. and every thing is working.
I sill have this isssue with one other XP SYStem and MY new Windows 7 machine.

I've fired off a PM to one of the programmers and will send some emails today.
If/when you get back up and running don't use your AHX file that was running in AHP when it fail as it most likely got corrupt as well.