Older models may give different results; as X10 has done a re-engineering of many modules.
I tested two recent CFL Friendly Appliance Modules Date Code 09K48.
Different address B1 and B2.
The Appliance Modules have a sensor circuit in them to determine if they are On or Off when the command is received. So if they are in the state the command tells it to be in. It is ignored.
So if I turned On either the B1 or B2 Applance Module it went On.
The AC also fed back into the second Appliance Module and it thought it was On already. So it would never turned On. When its address was sent an On signal. The module that was Off. If sent an Off would pulse a few time trying to turn Off as it thought it was On
I retested with a late revision TM751 Tranceiver. Date Code 10E19. For the B1 address.
Findings are even stranger.
If the B2 Appliance Module is On and the B1 Tranceiver is Off. It stays off with a B1 On command, but if it is sent a B1 Off it turns On. The next Off will again turn it Off.

With the information on what you are trying to do may help in finding a solution.