Assuming you want it to receive X10 IR codes and repeat them as X10 PLC codes, it's a bit more complicated than just a schematic. You will need a µController of some sort that is programmed to accomplish the desired transformation. And, you'll need to decide how you will feed the PLC to the powerline.
The X10 IR format is documented on my webpage at
The simplest way to do the PLC side is with a PL513 or PSC04.
ZBasic's $10 ZX-328n chip has low-level X-10 PLC functions built-in. They operate in the background automatically. All you have to do is populate a bit array with the bits you want to send.
ZarduinoTM project is a bit behind schedule as I had to have some of the key PCBs remade. I should have the new ones in 10-14 days. I will write an application note showing how to do this although it may not happen very quickly as there are higher priorities.
I'm not sure I can find the documentation for handling extended codes using Laser's protocol. I'm sure I had it back when the IR543AH was introduced but have no idea where it may be now. If I can find it, I'll incorporate it. If not, I think the owner of Laser may let me have it again, if he still has it. That would allow anyone who has a programmable remote to extend the capabilities beyond those of the original IR543.