The Bluetooth Audio does not work, after I successfully connect to my BT Dongle System sounds and Music still play through the internal speaker but it thinks it's playing through the BT Audio device because play through audio device is check marked and the light on my dongle flickers like it's connected and sending audio to the BT Dongle. Other then that the Bluetooth support seems to work great, it even will re connect to the dongle if I un plug it and plug it back in.
I installed this MODE 9 image
CM008-AirpadXL-Momo15.ICS.Bluetooth 0617.img and the Bluetooth Audio works for music and other app's audio but one wierd thing is alert sounds play through both the internal speaker and my Bluetooth stereo speaker.
I have no idea what brand my dongle is because it came with a program for one of my old cell phones and only worked in XP with that program (but worked in Ubuntu Linux just fine)so it's some cheap unknown brand.
Did you get Bluetooth Audio working on your XL?
What is the brand and model number of the dongle you have that works?
I googled trent bluetooth and it came up with one on called "TRENDnet" Bluetooth USB Adapter TBW-101UB (Blue) for $14 used and new for $126(What a rip off!).
What I don't like about the Mode 9 is that it makes the battery run down quickly it's already down to 86 percent and has only been on battery for 38 minutes unless it's because the Bluetooth Dongle is causing it to consume way more battery power then without it being attached and streaming audio.
The Mode 9 is more responsive then Mode 10 but still seems to have a bit of a lag compared to the 0331 image.
If someone would edit the Mode9 image and remove all the extra junk apps like Dev Tools, News & Weather, Update Me, Talk, ES file explorer Apollo audio player and the People app it would probably run faster.
daldude sorry I have been off line for a couple of days ---
I mean just use livesuit and this image
Then stop.
Don't do anything else - just use the pad.
I did find out that my BT dongle is going south - I had tested it on my computer and it worked - then when I tried it with the airpad it was iffy. Turns out now it's iffy on the computers as well. So I got a generic poc from ebay. So Now - I ordered trentmicro bt dongle because others here said they had good luck with a trent. We shall see after I get it if BT gets better. Not sure I have any great desire to put CM9 back on my pad. Performance for me seems better without it.
I am very satisfied with the above image - seems rock solid.