Ah sorry, misunderstanding there. Sorry.
I was not asking about multi place control
I meant to say ask how did you get Alexa to interface with the X10 stuff...so you could say stuff like
"Alexa, turn on bathroom light"
as opposed to the bloody convoluted
"Alexa, ask XYX to turn on bathroom light"
All of the ways I had seen (in the links I put up) showed it was damn complicated, either Apahce, php, subscription based services, writing Custom Alexa Skills or similar.
I have tried the auto setup of Hass.io, but that just fails every time, it starts trying to connect via IPV6 and the WLAN. Downloaded the auto setup image, wrote to clean formatted card, but it would not run beyond the trying to connect via WLAN left it for over an hour..
So, creating a new clean lite image from scratch now and will clone it and then try both HG and HA.
Looking at this for the HA instal:
https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/installation/raspberry-pi/Oh..will either HA or HG talk to a CM11 over USB, or are they strictly CM15 apps?