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Author Topic: Phase Coupler/Repeater  (Read 21383 times)

Brian H

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Re: Phase Coupler/Repeater
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2007, 02:12:18 PM »

Mine also goes nuts with either a LM14A or AM14A two way module on some but not all Addresses.
I am going to use an ACT 234 shortly and retire the Smarthome one.


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Re: Phase Coupler/Repeater
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2007, 10:45:30 AM »

Oh great!
I'm expecting a 4826b to arrive any second now! I don't have any 2 way modules currently, but had anticipated moving in that direction.  Thanks, at least, for saving me some (more!) aggravation.

I should clarify that the problem seems to be with extended commands.  X10 and ACT 2-way modules use them, but SmartHome's 2-way modules don't.  ACT's coupler repeaters support extended commands properly but Leveton and SmartHome's coupler repeaters don't.


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Re: Phase Coupler/Repeater
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2007, 02:33:49 PM »

FYI, I have updated my tutorial on Phase Couplers to include an explanation of the Problems With Extended Commands.


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Re: Phase Coupler/Repeater
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2007, 03:19:26 PM »

That is a very good description of the problem with extended commands.  To further complicate the matter, the extended portion is not sent twice as the "standard" portion of the command is.

In addition to the ACT repeaters, the XTB-II does recognize extended commands, and will not transmit them in the basic repeater mode.  It does provide the option to receive them and pass them on to the automation controller if that is capable of recognizing them.  It does transmit any extended commands received from the automation controller.

One thing I am trying to grapple with is how best to deal with extended commands in the enhanced repeater unit.  As you point out in your tutorial, it is not possible to begin the repeat in sync with the second half of the standard portion of the message.  However, delaying the repeat until the entire extended message has completed will consume almost an additional second of powerline time, and will obviously step on any message that was tailgating the original extended message.  It is possible to monitor the powerline, and abort transmission if a collision is recognized.  However, that will delay transmission of the extended command even further, and it is possible that the out-of-sequence transmission will induce other unforeseen problems.  Any inputs regarding this complex issue are welcome.

X-10 automation since the BSR days


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Re: Phase Coupler/Repeater
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2007, 06:06:57 PM »

The AM14A 2 way and the 4826A repeater is the problem at my house when no signals can be received by any other devices. I have had it happen about 5 times now since I bought 4 AM14A 2 way modules. It always happens after a power outage and when the power is restored nothing works. I used Smarthome manager and put it in advanced controller and watched the monitor readout. That is how I found continues signals being sent, I but did not know what was causing it. I suspected the repeater but was not sure until I visited this forum. Unplugging the stuck module and plugging it back in cured the problem.
 I have been using X10 for about 30 years now. I have modules that are that old, the old brown RS ones. I use the AM14A 2 way modules to turn on my computer and security system in and around my pole barn that is about 400 feet from the house. That way I can tell if I left anything on and can turn it off from my house. I use the IP enabled cameras and can monitor everything from any computer on my system. I ran cat5 to the pole barn for ethernet.

I use 25 various controllers.
I have my smoke detectors connected in my pole barn to activate the burglar alarm modules.
Another to sound an alarm for my septic system dos tank alarm.
I use an appliance module to control a contactor for the water heater.
Most of the others control lighting.
I am retired now but I used a duplex receptical controller to turn on a radio for about 20 years and and it never failed me. I like that I can use preset different on and off time just by turning the device codes knob and not have to reprogram a clock. My wife still works and she likes the quick setup.
Just about everything is controlled by my Smarthome manager using timers. 


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Re: Phase Coupler/Repeater
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2007, 06:56:45 PM »

The LM14A and AM14A send out a status request when powered up as they have no memory to know where they where before a power loss.
The old Active Home and CM11A could take the request and send the state it was in as it though it was in. My Smarthome repeater sometime went into a constant bouncing signals when one was connected. If you only power down for a second or two. The modules power supply may not discharge enough for the module to loos its settings.

Note the CR234 and CR134 [can be used as a split single phase] can be set to NOT repeat known repeated signals.


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Re: Phase Coupler/Repeater
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2007, 09:54:54 PM »

I believe the 2-ways send out the same command upon powering up, as they send in response to a command or a request for status.  It is only the data that is different, and denotes which it is (either "I am telling you my status" or "What is my status suppose to be?"). 

I guess the Smarthome repeaters don't seem to care about the data part of the command.  If it is simply an extended status command, it goes into that non-stop constant repeating.
* Sears Home Control System, Radio Shack Plug 'n Power, NuTone, Stanley LightMaker, BSR, HomeLink.
* Tecmar Device Master, CP290 (LightHouse), CM11A (AH), CM14A (AH2), CM15A (AHPro).


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Re: Phase Coupler/Repeater
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2007, 09:50:52 AM »

I believe the 2-ways send out the same command upon powering up, as they send in response to a command or a request for status.  It is only the data that is different, and denotes which it is (either "I am telling you my status" or "What is my status suppose to be?"). 

I guess the Smarthome repeaters don't seem to care about the data part of the command.  If it is simply an extended status command, it goes into that non-stop constant repeating.

As I said in the section Problems With Extended Commands of my Phase Coupling tutorial, the SmartHome CRs will cause problems when they receive extended commands.


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Re: Phase Coupler/Repeater
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2007, 11:23:10 AM »

As I said in the section Problems With Extended Commands of my Phase Coupling tutorial, the SmartHome CRs will cause problems when they receive extended commands.

Though, I am not so sure that your article is all that correct. 

I have read over in RemoteCentral that the ACT repeater-coupler can also have the same problem with extended commands, though possibly not as often as the other brands.  Specifically, their CR234 can, under the right conditions, cause the constant barrage of repeating commands, which, because they are truncated, can look like J-house code commands to something like the AHP's Activity Monitor.
* Sears Home Control System, Radio Shack Plug 'n Power, NuTone, Stanley LightMaker, BSR, HomeLink.
* Tecmar Device Master, CP290 (LightHouse), CM11A (AH), CM14A (AH2), CM15A (AHPro).

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Re: Phase Coupler/Repeater
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2007, 01:27:52 PM »

Turning ON Switch #3 stops the CR234 and CR134 from re repeating known repeated signals. I was advised by my vendor though #3 defaults to Off. Turn it ON.
That could or could not be a factor? Installing a AM14A does not cause a signal firestorm like my Smarthome repeater would do.
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