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 on: Today at 09:59:12 PM 
Started by jclarkw - Last post by JeffVolp
A better option would be a JVDE XTB-IIr - IF you can find one. Sadly, they are no longer available.

I wound up with some extra XTB-IIR PCBs.  I might consider a custom build, but it would be significantly more expensive because many of the components would have to be reordered at single quantity prices.


 on: Today at 08:48:39 PM 
Started by jclarkw - Last post by brobin
There's one on ebay right now for $30.

A better option would be a JVDE XTB-IIr - IF you can find one. Sadly, they are no longer available.

 on: Today at 07:36:33 PM 
Started by jclarkw - Last post by jclarkw
I've been using a Leviton/Decora model HCA02 for years (before that, a CR230 from Advanced Control Technologies).  Now it's failed -- apparently totally dead -- and my signals no longer pass between power legs, although within legs everything still works.

I searched with Google, and the only comparable unit I could find was the XPCR Phase Coupler/Repeater by X-10 Pro.  I ordered one from Amazon and installed exactly as before, but it didn't do anything!  The LED didn't even illuminate on receipt of X-10 signals.  Several Questions:

Have others had trouble with these units?
Might I have inadvertently killed the new unit?  (I have a good-quality surge suppressor on the power system.)
Is there any alternative to the XPCR anymore?
Might I have better success ordering directly from X-10?

Thanks in advance for any help! -- jclarkw

 on: July 23, 2024, 06:12:30 PM 
Started by guyl - Last post by Brian H
 :)%  Sounds like you have found the issue.
I probably would replace both if they are the same age.

 on: July 23, 2024, 01:28:25 PM 
Started by guyl - Last post by guyl
Well, it appears to be the larger of the two electrolytics (470 uF/50V). I unsoldered the two caps and that one was no good according to my capacitor tester. I don't currently have another cap that fits but I tested it with a 1000 uF/50V cap hanging outside the case with wires, like a hernia, and the PSC05 is now transmitting correctly. Time to find replacement caps.

 on: July 23, 2024, 12:25:37 PM 
Started by guyl - Last post by JeffVolp
My PSC05 failed before I designed the XTB-523.  As I recall, it was a zener diode.  I might have replaced the electrolytic too at the time.  But I had another X10 controller fail due to the .22uF 120KHz coupling capacitor deteriorating.  Replacing that got it working again.

There are fewer than 50 XTB-523, and just 14 XTBR left now.


 on: July 23, 2024, 06:15:52 AM 
Started by guyl - Last post by Brian H
I don't use any of them myself now.
I got some PSC05 modules with WGL V572 all address receivers.
Unused now as the TW523 port on my XTB-IIR is being used.
I actually observed a possible problem.
Over the years the gold contacts of the connector. Have tarnished (black) and I don't know how well they would work now.
My brown PCB was just a thing you may see not a known issue in those modules.
Mine was in an RR501.
18V Zener that I changed to two 9V in series. Both the same wattage as the original 18V.

 on: July 22, 2024, 08:06:27 PM 
Started by guyl - Last post by guyl
Yes, I have the tech note. Thanks for reminding me that the schematic is in there. I have five of these units. One is used for the Ocelot, another for the alarm system I designed. The other three are now spares, though I'm down to one spare with these two being flakey.

Also, mine all have the 470 uF capacitor mod, though I don't think this is a factor, unless it's those that are failing. These have been in use for over 20 years.

Did you have actual PSC05s go bad or are you just suggesting that the discolored zeners look like they could be a problem?

 on: July 22, 2024, 05:54:04 PM 
Started by guyl - Last post by Brian H
You may also want to look at any Zener Diodes as I had a few getting warm in some modules too  turn the PCB brown.
The Technical Notes for the modules is attached,
Schematics and other data is in it.

Jeff still has his XTB523 PSC05 replacement. Listed in his site. If you have to eventually replace them.

 on: July 22, 2024, 04:43:16 PM 
Started by guyl - Last post by guyl
Hello everyone. I'm just wondering if anyone has ever repaired, or know of typical causes of failure for the TW523 or PSC05 powerline interfaces. I have two of them that seem to have the same problem: they appear to transmit something when requested to do so, but the signal seems weak or corrupted, and appears to be retried several times (from watching my ELK ESM1 signal meter). I have a device at address F3 that turns on when the command to turn on E3 is sent. There is a single bit pattern difference between the two house codes in the X10 protocol. Several other devices on those two house codes don't work at all. The same modules work fine when commands are sent from a WM100, or from another, known good PSC05.

My first guess would be bad capacitors and although none appear swelled or anything, I'll probably try replacing those first. I am just asking if anyone has experienced any "typical" failure of these devices.

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