The Security console is off for now. And, for the most part, my "system" works. My problem seems to be mostly one of RF anomalies. The mail culprit is the MS16a sensor set to A1. The one on the back porch works well. The one one the front porch is very flakey. The are both about 12 feet from the PAT01 transceiver. The front one often does not trigger, even though I can see the lights flash on it. Again, often, when it triggers, my Test1 on A7 trips instead.
Last night at 9:01 I went to the back door and triggered my Automation Rule and the Porch lights turned on for the 2 minutes defined in the rule. But, the Porch Light device ikon on the harmony app did not turn green for the 2 minutes. But it was all in the app log.
I am sure the problems revolve around too much RF noise and devices too close together. But I have a limited number of spots to use. I have Jeff Volp's X-repeater and filters. Without an RF sniffer tool, I am not sure how to track this down.